{1}{1}25.000 {387}{440}Um... {565}{615}(phone rings) {666}{716}Ow. {818}{861}- What?|- Jack. {863}{964}I've translated the writing on the|colonnade SG-2 discovered on P3X-439. {966}{1005}I'll be there in half an hour. {1007}{1081}It talks about|a library of knowledge, Jack. {1083}{1161}I think the monument contains|a repository of the Ancients. {1163}{1197}Repository? {1199}{1284}That thing that grabbed your head,|made you talk crazy. {1286}{1368}Sounds like we should stay away, then. {1370}{1459}We should be able to find|another way to access the information. {1461}{1596}Sam's used Tok'ra crystals to find a way|to transfer all kinds of different energy. {1598}{1651}(Daniel continues talking) {1676}{1729}...we should go there as soon as possible. {1731}{1792}- Yeah?|- So? {1794}{1864}- I'll be there in half an hour.|- OK. Bye. {1866}{1971}No, no, no, wait. Don't hang up.|I need a seven-letter word. {1992}{2113}- I told Sam I wouldn't help you.|- This'll be one thing she doesn't know. {2115}{2200}"Up, down, charmed, blank." {2202}{2246}Strange. {2269}{2333}Yeah. Well, thanks anyway. {2335}{2400}No, the word you're looking for... {2610}{2687}(woman) I know, I know.|I couldn't get her off the phone. {2689}{2746}I should be done by noon. {2748}{2826}Whatever it is,|I'm sure it won't take long to say no. {2828}{2896}I'll be at Georgetown|at two for my Poli-Sci class, {2898}{3000}and I'm speaking at the|Women in Washington dinner at seven. {3002}{3118}I'll call you back. This guy's gonna steal|my cab. I called for a taxi ten minutes ago. {3120}{3181}(speaks in Russian) {3186}{3249}(speaks in Russian) {3251}{3290}As do I. {3292}{3354}I cannot be late.|I'm going to the White House. {3356}{3438}I have to be there in 15 minutes.|I'm meeting with the president. {3440}{3563}- Of the United States. Really, I am.|- Hey. One of you gonna get in or what? {3565}{3646}Wait! Can I offer you a cab fare,|wherever you need to go? {3648}{3759}- Can you call this man another taxi?|- Excuse me, Dr Weir. {3761}{3853}- Please get in, ma'am.|- Uh... {3855}{3905}(speaks in Russian) {4077}{4127}Mr Vice President. {4129}{4179}Dr Weir. {5819}{5883}It wasn't necessary|for you to pick me up, sir. {5885}{5959}I was on my way from the athletic club. {5961}{6097}Besides, there are very few people who|could properly brief you for this interview. {6109}{6175}Uh, interview?|I agreed to have just a meeting... {6177}{6274}How would you respond if I told you|the Air Force is currently conducting {6276}{6424}top-secret operations with an alien|transportation device called the Stargate? {6426}{6561}It was discovered in the early 1900s at|Giza, not too far from the Great Pyramids. {6605}{6665}Is this a joke? {6742}{6830}- What is it?|- A note from the president. {6915}{6981}And you might wanna read this, too. {7165}{7213}Oh, my God. {7682}{7759}- How long have you been waiting?|- You said half an hour. {7761}{7821}General Hammond's waiting. {7909}{7945}Excuse me. {7947}{8037}The fate of the world is in the balance|and you've been finishing this? {8039}{8106}I believe it was double or nothing. {8108}{8232}OK. 23 across. "The atomic weight|of boron." The answer is ten. {8235}{8295}- Yes.|- You wrote the word "fat". {8297}{8354}Your point? {8447}{8507}Should be out of here. {8530}{8572}Harper. Reynolds. {8574}{8624}- (Harper) Sir.|- Jack. {8626}{8734}SG-3 spotted a Goa'uld reconnaissance|drone where they found the colonnade. {8736}{8802}Since that means|the Goa'uld were aware of it, {8804}{8873}SGs 3 and 5 will be providing backup. {8875}{8953}If General Hammond|approves the mission. {8980}{9082}- What mission?|- Good morning, SG-1. {9084}{9183}- Nice of you to join us.|- Good morning, sir. {9261}{9339}I've read Dr Jackson's report|on his translation. {9341}{9418}After the last time|you encountered something like this, {9420}{9498}I'm surprised you're so willing|to take on this mission. {9500}{9567}So am I, sir. {9569}{9621}Jack. {9623}{9662}Daniel. {9664}{9765}Why wouldn't we want to gain access|to the greatest repository of knowledge? {9767}{9817}Find the Lost City of the Ancients, {9819}{9967}and use their technology to save the|entire galaxy from the evil of the Goa'uld? {9969}{10019}Well, there's that. {10021}{10131}From the mission file I've read,|this thing whips up from the wall, {10133}{10189}grabs your head and|rearranges your brain. {10191}{10236}- Sort of.|- Sort of? {10238}{10349}It downloads the entire library of|Ancient knowledge into a person's mind. {10351}{10429}That massive amount of data|then unspools into your brain, {10431}{10492}eventually taking over|your consciousness. {10494}{10598}- But it wasn't meant for primitives like us.|- Easy, fella. {10612}{10680}The report said|you almost died last time, sir. {10682}{10827}The Asgard removed the information from|O'Neill's mind before he was lost to us. {10829}{10927}So, why don't we just shoot Thor a call?|Get him standing by as backup. {10929}{10986}We tried, sir. He's not responding. {10988}{11106}None of our alien allies have been reliable|of late. Should something happen again... {11108}{11170}No one should interface with the device. {11172}{11232}We're suggesting|it be brought home for study. {11234}{11332}The engineering team that studied|the last one of these devices you found {11334}{11393}determined nothing|after months of research. {11395}{11537}We believe that device's power source|was depleted when O'Neill activated it. {11539}{11598}Recent intel suggests Anubis has become {11600}{11715}a serious threat to dominate the rest|of the Goa'uld in a very short time. {11717}{11804}We have to consider|Earth is at risk now more than ever. {11806}{11868}If the knowledge|contained within this device {11870}{12030}can lead us to technologies we can use|to defend ourselves, we must pursue it. {12032}{12125}- Why didn't you just say that?|- Sorry. {12127}{12209}You have a go. And be careful, people. {12400}{12492}The file you read in the car|is just the beginning. {12494}{12617}You might want to familiarise yourself|with more of this before you take the job. {12619}{12768}Take the job? I just found out|that science fiction isn't fiction. {12770}{12869}I mean, I've known there were secrets,|big secrets, but this is... {12871}{13036}I don't know what's scarier - the fact that|this is all true or that you're telling me. {13038}{13158}I can't imagine what kind of job you're|offering me, but I don't care any more. {13160}{13242}I realise you haven't met the president yet. {13244}{13301}Just try and say no. {13491}{13578}(Davis over PA) Chevron seven locked. {13667}{13781}SG teams 1, 3 and 5, good luck.|God speed. {13783}{13856}Thank you, sir. Let's move out. {14441}{14583}Reynolds. Set up a defence perimeter as|you see fit. Hold the gate till we get back. {14585}{14649}- You got it.|- Sir. {14651}{14711}SG-1, move out. {14989}{15086}(O'Neill) You know,|we've searched this place, up and down. {15088}{15138}(Daniel) I know. {15190}{15298}We could have Goa'uld|on our collective asses any minute now. {15300}{15350}(Daniel) I know. {15411}{15516}According to the text|in this column, it's inside. {15551}{15606}Inside, you say? {15647}{15725}Well, let me tell you, my friend, {15727}{15794}there is no "inside". {15817}{15920}There's just a whole lotta outside. {15922}{15968}I know. {15970}{16045}(Carter) I'm getting some|strange readings from here. {16047}{16097}If I'm right... {16244}{16294}Look out. {16448}{16520}- (O'Neill) Reynolds, come in.|- Go ahead. {16522}{16634}- Yeah, we got something here. Stand by.|- All clear for the moment. {16883}{17001}Now we just have to figure out|how to get this thing out of the wall. {17123}{17185}- Damn.|- Careful. {17187}{17299}All right, one more time.|Why are we doing this? Why? {17359}{17477}- You hear something, Harper?|- We got multiple bogeys, coming in fast. {17479}{17600}Dial the gate. Send constant radio signal.|We have to keep that door open. {17602}{17702}(Reynolds) SG-1, we have incoming. {18039}{18106}- (O'Neill) Let's go.|- We can't just leave. {18108}{18134}Daniel. {18136}{18253}We must not allow this device|to fall into the hands of Anubis. {18278}{18328}Fine. {18366}{18416}- Jack!|- He's right. If we destroy it, {18418}{18511}we lose our only chance to find|the location of the Lost City. {18513}{18572}O'Neill. {18637}{18682}Ah, crap. {18721}{18784}All right, then what? {18786}{18853}No, no, no, no, no. {18855}{18957}Jack, somebody has to do it.|The answer is in there. {18959}{19027}If we don't find the Lost City,|we're as good as dead. {19029}{19131}And who does the translating|when you go Ancient? {19412}{19507}In fact, you're the one person|who can't do it. {19552}{19603}Jack! {19605}{19654}(Carter) Sir! {19875}{19924}O'Neill. {20025}{20144}SG-1, where the hell are you guys?|We can't hold out for long. {20170}{20271}Colonel Reynolds,|we are headed back to the gate. {20458}{20544}Hold positions. Greaves, you're with me. {20915}{20963}Take cover! {21112}{21189}Jack. Jack, you OK? {21191}{21283}- What's going on?|- Come on. Let's get him up. {21633}{21727}- (Reynolds) Coming through the gate.|- (Harper) We're behind you. Go! {21889}{21961}- What happened?|- Didn't quite go according to plan. {21963}{22064}- We have to get him to the infirmary.|- I did it again. {22566}{22616}Dr Weir. {22661}{22719}Sorry to have kept you so late. {22721}{22815}That's all right.|I've been doing a little reading. {22817}{22900}Mr President, I mean,|this is truly so outrageous, {22902}{22989}I feel compelled on behalf|of everyone who has no idea that... {22991}{23115}Megan. Could you get|a car ready for Dr Weir? {23117}{23205}Five minutes. Thanks. {23207}{23257}Sit down. {23298}{23418}- Would you like something?|- No, thank you. {23485}{23576}Your reaction was very similar|to mine when I found out. {23578}{23633}I'm sorry. Five minutes, sir? {23635}{23729}The negotiation|you mediated in North Africa? {23731}{23801}Yes? What does that have to do with this? {23827}{23971}Just that the Stargate probably|makes that seem like child's play. {23973}{24081}Well, frankly, sir, I have absolutely|no idea what you want from me. {24083}{24231}You brokered a dozen of the most|sensitive treaties in modern times, {24233}{24284}speak God knows how many languages. {24286}{24340}Just five. {24342}{24404}Five. {24431}{24511}I suppose your aversion|to the military will be an issue. {24513}{24572}What are we talking about, exactly? {24574}{24656}You running the Stargate programme. {24681}{24721}Oh. {24841}{24924}- How in the hell did this happen?|- It wasn't an accident. {24926}{25001}- He did it deliberately.|- To access the Ancients' knowledge. {25003}{25100}He, uh... We figured|we'd never get another shot at it. {25102}{25211}We know that the Ancient knowledge|will essentially overwrite his brain. {25213}{25308}We're hoping he'll become aware|of the information we're looking for. {25310}{25346}And then? {25348}{25426}Then it will overwhelm|his nervous system, and he will... {25428}{25517}What? Meet my maker? Pay the piper? {25519}{25650}Breach the pearly gates?|Start pushing up daisies here and there? {25710}{25760}You should be in the infirmary. {25762}{25869}Why? We all know|exactly what's gonna happen. {25871}{25944}In a few days,|I start speaking some strange language. {25946}{26034}Few days after that, I start|doing things beyond my control. {26036}{26185}And a few days after that, it's|"Good night, my someone, good night." {26246}{26389}With your permission, I'd like to take|the weekend, get a few things together. {26391}{26495}Last time, it took a couple of days|before we noticed a change in behaviour. {26497}{26575}I'll be back Monday, ready to work. {26577}{26655}- Permission granted.|- Thank you, sir. {26680}{26832}Now, if you'll excuse me, my favourite|television show starts in half an hour. {27015}{27092}We've already done an initial review, {27094}{27173}and we've decided|to suspend current operations {27175}{27278}until a new government division|can be established. {27280}{27344}The Stargate is a dangerous thing, {27346}{27460}but given what we know is going on|out there, it's something we can't ignore. {27462}{27541}No, obviously not. {27543}{27619}I don't want this|to sound terribly self-centred... {27621}{27683}- Why you?|- Why me? {27685}{27767}- What do you think?|- Well, {27769}{27864}I'm betting other world leaders|are pressuring you for control. {27866}{27960}- See? I knew you were a quick study.|- And I can advise you there. {27962}{28052}But I am not qualified|to negotiate with aliens. {28054}{28144}No one is, Doctor - not you, not me. {28146}{28220}But someone has to do it. {28237}{28377}The fact is, we can't keep|this thing a secret forever. {28379}{28480}And you wanna put a friendly face|on this thing when it goes public, {28482}{28545}someone less threatening|than a US general. {28547}{28601}People will panic. {28603}{28712}It's going to take|anything and everything we have {28714}{28811}to keep our civilisation|from turning upside down. {28813}{28917}But, make no mistake, you're not just|a figurehead for the sake of publicity. {28919}{29002}I chose you for a damn good reason. {29106}{29234}- I take it my five minutes are up.|- Actually, it was seven. {29236}{29311}Don't worry, this is just the beginning. {29457}{29508}What if I say no, sir? {29510}{29575}Never going to happen. {29639}{29669}Bonnie! {29671}{29796}Come on in here. Thank you.|Good seeing you again. {29842}{29945}So, things aren't|quite as simple as they seemed. {29947}{30002}It never seemed simple, sir. {30004}{30066}Be careful who you trust, Doctor. {30068}{30149}Does that include you, sir? {30151}{30276}He may be the president, but I am|the one person you want on your side. {30278}{30395}And the one person|you don't wanna cross. {30532}{30590}(knock at door) {30674}{30722}Hi, sir. {30724}{30785}Carter? {30787}{30849}- Did I wake you?|- Sorta. {30888}{30959}- I couldn't sleep last night.|- Should've called. {30961}{31028}I didn't want to bother you. I... {31087}{31132}Um... {31157}{31229}I was just looking at the sky. {31231}{31338}Trying to figure out|how many stars we'd actually been to. {31340}{31484}Actually, only a few of the stars visible|from Earth have Stargates on them, so... {31486}{31575}I knew that. Hammond send you by|to check up on me? {31577}{31635}No. {31637}{31698}It's funny, really. I, uh... {31700}{31792}I was out driving, you know, in my car, {31794}{31884}and I, um... I drove here. {32012}{32088}- Funny.|- Yeah. {32090}{32167}There's coffee around here. I think. {32325}{32413}Maybe not. How about a beer? {32415}{32470}Sure. Why not? {32910}{33028}- Want a glass? I can wash one.|- No, I'm fine. Thank you, sir. {33064}{33140}Sir, do you ever talk to her? {33142}{33197}Can we not talk about that? {33199}{33257}Sorry. {33259}{33372}- How you feeling?|- Can we not talk about that, either? {33374}{33439}OK. {33441}{33501}What do you wanna talk about? {33601}{33720}You wanna be alone.|This was a bad... I should go. {33722}{33778}Finish your beer. {33819}{33925}And then you have to wait|at least an hour before you drive. {34021}{34071}Sir... {34258}{34308}What? {34335}{34445}- I should have done it.|- What? Stick your head in that thing? {34447}{34523}Are you nuts? {34580}{34745}Carter, you're one of this country's natural|resources, if not national treasures. {34816}{34891}It couldn't have gone down any other way. {34988}{35053}I just... hope it's worth it. {35096}{35155}Even if we do find the Lost City, {35157}{35244}even if we get there and find|what we need to defend the planet... {35246}{35329}That would be worth it. {35398}{35449}(knock at door) {35602}{35632}Hello. {35747}{35790}In here. {36014}{36067}Sorry. Are we interrupting anything? {36069}{36147}- (both) No.|- What are you doing here? {36149}{36236}Uh... It's a funny story, actually. {36238}{36343}- We were driving by and saw Sam's car...|- Funny. {36345}{36466}Teal'c said... He didn't say anything, he|looked at me and did that eyebrow thing. {36468}{36541}And I said to him|"Hey, why don't we stop by..." {36543}{36611}Is that doughnuts? {36613}{36673}- Indeed.|- Excellent. {36828}{36878}(Anubis) Rise. {36918}{37029}My lord, I believe the humans of the|Tauri destroyed the device you sought. {37031}{37168}- You failed to stop them.|- They anticipated our arrival, my lord. {37565}{37649}(O'Neill) You are so wrong. {37651}{37711}It's the perfect analogy. {37713}{37787}Burns as Goa'uld. {37789}{37845}They are merely animated characters. {37847}{37908}You are so shallow. {37910}{37978}Please! Teal'c is one of|the deepest people I know. {37980}{38078}He's so deep. Go on,|tell him how deep you are. {38080}{38162}You'll be lucky if you understand this. {38164}{38244}- My depth is immaterial to this.|- Oh, you see? {38269}{38324}No more beer for you. {38338}{38451}I'm sorry, sir, but I have to agree.|I don't see the connection. {38453}{38613}All right, that does it. You know, the entire|VHS collection was going to one of you. {38615}{38676}It's going to Siler. He gets it. {38678}{38732}(knock at door) {38734}{38785}Thank God. Pizza. {38964}{39066}- Well, you're not the usual delivery boy.|- Is this a good time? {39068}{39136}It's always a good time|for you, sir. Come on in. {39138}{39200}Let me get you a chair. {39228}{39279}General. {39281}{39349}At ease, Major, please. {39351}{39423}There you go, sir. {39425}{39489}I'm glad to find you all here. {39516}{39586}You wouldn't happen|to have another one of those? {39588}{39696}I would. I hope you like Guinness, sir. {39698}{39791}I find it a refreshing substitute for... {39820}{39870}food. {39974}{40033}I've been relieved of command. {40134}{40159}What? {40161}{40312}The president has effectively shut down|the SGC for a three-month review process. {40314}{40368}- Three months?|- During which time, {40370}{40477}a newly-formed government department|will take the place of Stargate Command. {40479}{40561}But, sir, the colonel -|we don't have much time. {40563}{40631}How could this happen? {40633}{40676}Kinsey. {40678}{40759}Does anyone know anyone|who voted for those two shrubs? {40761}{40830}I've known Hayes for a long time.|He's a good man. {40832}{40896}Despite his taste|in running mates, maybe. {40898}{40971}Robert Kinsey brought in|a lot of campaign financing, {40973}{41097}and, for all we know, he may have used|his knowledge of the Stargate as leverage {41099}{41157}to get himself a place on the ticket. {41159}{41234}- It doesn't matter now.|- We're gonna lie down for this? {41236}{41289}We've been in this situation before. {41291}{41373}No. This time it's different. {41401}{41459}Who's replacing you, sir? {41461}{41557}- Her name is Dr Elizabeth Weir.|- A civilian? {41559}{41677}I've heard of her.|She's an expert in international politics. {41679}{41802}She mediated high-level UN negotiations. I|referenced her in our treaty for the Tok'ra. {41804}{41919}I've been ordered to Washington to|discuss reassignment. I leave tomorrow. {41921}{42074}Uh, General, we do have a little|unfinished business here. {42076}{42164}As far as I know, you're to report|to work as scheduled on Monday. {42166}{42232}- Something must be done.|- I have my orders. {42234}{42356}Besides, I have a feeling I may be able to|do more from Washington than I can here. {42358}{42396}In the meantime? {42398}{42494}You'll just have to plead your case|to the new administration. {42496}{42578}I have every confidence in you people. {43203}{43253}Amazing, isn't it? {43255}{43309}I don't really care. {43311}{43359}OK. {43361}{43410}Wait. {43412}{43540}There's gonna be a lot of changes. Not|everyone's gonna be happy about them. {43542}{43608}Yes. I'm about to step into one myself. {43610}{43649}OK. Bye. {43651}{43760}Sorry. I walk around with this. I look|like a crazy person, talking to myself. {43762}{43854}- Elizabeth Weir.|- Daniel Jackson. {43856}{43949}I can't get used to being underground.|I keep looking for a window. {43951}{44018}I see you found the one|with the best view. {44020}{44082}When we first tried|to get the Stargate to work, {44084}{44156}I would come here|and just stare at it for hours. {44158}{44289}Is that a gentle reminder that you've|been a part of this since the beginning? {44291}{44346}- Subtle, huh?|- Hm. {44454}{44545}- So, a little light reading?|- Uh... {44547}{44619}I've been awake all weekend. {44658}{44749}The reality of this is...|it's an adrenaline rush. {44751}{44835}Hey, at least I know|you have a beating heart. {44861}{44927}I don't expect a warm welcome|from the military. {44929}{45038}You're replacing a great man,|uniform notwithstanding. {45040}{45083}OK. {45085}{45211}But I'm hoping you, of all people,|won't jump to conclusions. {45213}{45309}- Like, why someone like you is here.|- Someone like me? {45311}{45426}You started out as a political activist,|lobbying against spending on the military. {45428}{45524}And how I end up working|for those I was criticising? I know. {45526}{45626}But I've decided that the best way|to stop the proliferation of weapons {45628}{45699}is to try and end the need for them. {45701}{45801}So I'm gonna be the voice of reason|to whoever will listen. {45803}{45946}And you think that's why the president|chose you to take over the SGC? {46012}{46109}I don't know why I've been given this job.|I really don't. {46111}{46198}But I'm gonna do it to the best|of my ability as long as I'm here. {46200}{46284}- I'll examine the mandate.|- Don't underestimate the threat. {46286}{46407}I'm not. This country's history of Manifest|Destiny cannot continue out to the galaxy. {46409}{46490}Especially when this is all|behind the back of the planet. {46492}{46544}I'm not saying everything here is right. {46546}{46628}We have no right to play God,|but neither do the Goa'uld. {46630}{46786}I know none of this may seem real to you|on paper, but, trust me, they're pure evil. {46788}{46895}Now, if they had the chance, they would|either destroy us or enslave us all. {46897}{46964}You can read as many|mission reports as you want, {46966}{47029}but before you decide|what should be done here, {47031}{47146}why don't you go through that gate|and see what's going on for yourself? {47148}{47226}- In good time.|- We may not have good time. {47228}{47266}O'Neill doesn't. {47268}{47368}I want you to know, O'Neill's current|condition is of serious concern to me. {47370}{47482}You realise Jack did what he did because|it was our only way to find the Lost City? {47484}{47551}(PA) Unscheduled incoming traveller. {47588}{47673}All the offworld teams are back already. {47748}{47836}We're receiving Master Bra'tac's|personal identification code. {47838}{47923}- I know what a IDC is.|- He's an ally, and if we don't open the... {47925}{48004}I understand that. Thank you.|Go ahead, please. {48506}{48553}Bra'tac. {48641}{48749}This is Dr Elizabeth Weir.|She's the new leader of this facility. {48751}{48786}Hello. {48788}{48852}Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle? {48854}{48906}No, sir, he's fine. {48908}{49009}We've had some recent changes|in our political leaders. {49011}{49061}I see. {49152}{49203}Bra'tac, what's wrong? {49245}{49306}I am afraid I am not|the bearer of good news. {49308}{49386}We have had word|from Jaffa loyal to our cause. {49388}{49482}Anubis is gathering|the full force of his fleet. {49484}{49569}He will be here within three days. {49810}{49930}Bob, could we stop complaining and|start figuring out what we're going to do? {49932}{50026}- Mr President? General Hammond.|- Show him in. {50028}{50136}We can't ignore a threat of this magnitude.|Hear the man out. {50150}{50252}Well, whatever he is.|And get back to me. {50318}{50383}General George Hammond. {50385}{50452}Mr President. {50454}{50519}It was lieutenant|last time we spoke, wasn't it? {50521}{50601}For both of us.|That was a lot of hair ago, sir. {50626}{50676}Sit down. {50786}{50889}When I took this job, I thought I had|the weight of the world on my shoulders. {50891}{50948}But then I found out|what you do for a living. {50950}{51010}Yes, sir. {51012}{51071}This had nothing to do with your record. {51073}{51161}If the American people knew|what your contribution was... {51163}{51284}Thank you, sir. That's kind of you to say.|One day, maybe they will. {51357}{51428}- Dr Weir, she's as smart as they come.|- I hope so. {51430}{51521}Poor thing, she has no idea|what she's gotten herself into. {51523}{51603}But I had no choice, George.|I had to do something. {51605}{51722}I want you to know that I'm aware|of your history with the vice president. {51724}{51793}- Yes, sir.|- Hell, we both know why I picked Kinsey. {51795}{51913}More than the money. He delivered|Florida all by himself. If I knew then... {51915}{51969}Of course. {51994}{52072}So, let's talk about your reassignment. {52118}{52176}I was thinking more of retirement, sir. {52178}{52300}I don't think so, George. Not just yet.|I wanna keep you around Washington. {52302}{52378}We're gonna need you and your expertise. {52437}{52541}Three days from now is a Thursday.|Thursday's not good for us. {52543}{52584}Why now? {52586}{52658}Anubis believes we know|the location of the Lost City. {52660}{52710}- We don't.|- Not yet. {52712}{52791}- But he doesn't know that we don't know.|- (Kinsey) Well. {52793}{52867}Some people just|don't know when to leave. {52869}{52967}Colonel O'Neill. Major Carter. Teal'c. {52991}{53059}These are strange circumstances|to be meeting... {53061}{53136}And you are...? {53154}{53228}I am Dr Elizabeth Weir, Colonel. {53230}{53342}You can just call her your one hope of|ever stepping through the Stargate again. {53344}{53395}Bit of a mouthful. {53397}{53487}I know I'm playing catch-up,|but I understand time is short. {53489}{53549}Actually, it's all relative, ma'am. {53551}{53653}Carter could explain it better,|if we had more time. {53666}{53736}Shall we have a seat, then? {53790}{53902}- This is a situation of grave importance.|- She's quick. {53904}{54031}Which is why I've taken it upon myself|to come and hear Mr Bra'tac personally. {54033}{54108}Master Bra'tac. Master. {54123}{54193}I beg your pardon. {54242}{54407}So you believe the Goa'uld Anubis|is planning to attack? {54409}{54490}You may be certain of it. {54492}{54568}I'll say this - the timing is impeccable. {54586}{54686}The moment we suspend Stargate|operations, you pull this out of your hat. {54688}{54832}Mr Vice President, if you're suggesting|that we'd make something like this up... {54834}{54947}- That's exactly what I'm suggesting.|- Well, that is exactly what we do. {54949}{55057}We sit around on our fat asses and create|scenarios that put the planet at risk. {55059}{55136}- That's what we do.|- I think you'd do about anything. {55138}{55180}(Elizabeth) Gentlemen. {55182}{55314}Let's assume that Master Bra'tac|is in earnest and that the threat is real. {55316}{55426}Do you know what the threat is? Anubis|is half-Goa'uld, half-ascended Ancient, {55428}{55539}with the knowledge and technology|to wipe us all from the face of the Earth. {55541}{55664}- What about negotiating?|- For crying out loud, that's derentis. {55795}{55859}- What?|- You just said "derentis". {55879}{55964}- Did not.|- Did too. {55966}{56024}- "Derentis", what is that?|- Latin? {56026}{56101}- It's not.|- I think what he is trying to say is that, {56103}{56195}based on our past experiences,|negotiating would be insane. Crazy. {56197}{56235}- I got that.|- However, {56237}{56371}we believe there may be alien technology|within our reach that could defeat Anubis. {56373}{56435}Now you're pulling a ray gun|out of your hat? {56437}{56523}Weapons capable of defending this planet. {56525}{56589}I can't believe we're listening to this. {56591}{56647}Mr Vice President, on his last... {56649}{56767}I am aware of the events that have,|once again, compromised {56769}{56848}Colonel O'Neill's invaluable judgement. {56850}{56925}And the fact that|on his last official mission, {56927}{57035}he has incurred the wrath of humanity's|worst enemy on behalf of us all... {57037}{57179}Wait a minute. I thought you didn't|buy into the whole invasion thing. {57181}{57267}The fact is, until we know|the location of the Lost City... {57269}{57323}I know where it is. {57353}{57428}You know where it is now? {57430}{57522}I will. It's in there somewhere. {57629}{57701}Look, let me make this simple. {57703}{57783}I come up with the Lost City,|we go find it. Yes or no? {57785}{57835}No! {57931}{58009}Who are you, really? {58011}{58078}And why are you here? {58080}{58163}I will consider it. {58198}{58267}- Thank you.|- You're welcome. {58363}{58424}I must return to Chulak. {58426}{58484}I, too, will go. {58486}{58591}In the hope of procuring ships|and warriors to defend this world. {58593}{58643}Good luck. {59152}{59238}- What the hell was that?|- I'm sorry? {59240}{59300}You don't know O'Neill like I do. {59349}{59417}This is my call. Colonel O'Neill... {59419}{59498}- Is the one who got us into this mess.|- I don't see... {59500}{59603}I want him gone. I want them all gone.|You haven't figured that out yet? {59605}{59744}- Oh, I've figured out quite a bit.|- Well, hallelujah for that. {59746}{59829}This is my office. This is my chair. {59831}{59923}Until I'm told otherwise,|I'm gonna make decisions as I see fit. {59925}{60023}- Not as they fit into your agenda.|- You have no idea what my agenda is. {60025}{60097}Whatever your agenda is. {60120}{60270}You don't know anything. If you think|you do, you're not as smart as I thought. {60550}{60679}So, T... if I don't see you again. {60681}{60785}- I will see you soon, O'Neill.|- You know something I don't? {60787}{60893}In fact, it is you that|knows something that I do not. {60895}{60959}Hope you're right. {61270}{61331}I wish you all well. {62245}{62335}- Does this mean anything to you?|- No. {62337}{62493}- Could you at least look at it?|- Daniel, I don't speak Ancient. Yet. {62495}{62584}And when I do, eventually,|you know I'll never understand it. {62586}{62632}You have to try. {62634}{62699}Last time, things just popped into my fron. {62701}{62799}- Fron is "head".|- I have no idea what you're talking about. {62801}{62875}Maybe if you stopped working on|this stupid crossword. {62877}{62962}I'd like to at least finish that while I can. {62988}{63056}- I thought...|- 13 across, you wrote "taonas". {63058}{63127}Yeah, so? What's it mean? {63129}{63228}I don't know, you tell me.|Eight down, you wrote "praclarush". {63230}{63295}What's eight down? {63297}{63451}"Label". There's empty spaces. I think the|answer is supposed to be "identification". {63453}{63529}13 across is "sphere". {63531}{63588}Jack, this is it. {63616}{63724}See, I assume we still speak|the same language. Mostly. {63726}{63780}Sphere, planet. Label, name. {63782}{63861}- Following still you not.|- Praclarush Taonas. {63863}{64020}You wrote the name of the planet where|we'll find the Lost City in the crossword. {64022}{64109}- Bit of a jump.|- Why else would you do that? {64139}{64248}The clue for seven down is "celestial|body". And he wrote "Uma Thurman". {64250}{64303}Yes. {64338}{64401}It has to mean something. {64403}{64453}It does. {64545}{64574}(sighs) {64643}{64698}I'm hungry. {64881}{64949}Praclarush Taonas. {64951}{65078}According to this, it means "lost in fire".|This has to be the planet of the Lost City. {65080}{65239}Knowing the name of the planet doesn't|help, unless we have a gate address. {65608}{65664}Jack, what are you doing? {65710}{65761}- At.|- What? {65792}{65821}At. {65823}{65858}- This?|- That. {65860}{65933}- That is at?|- You can stop that. {65935}{66042}- Don't ask what it means, I don't know.|- I think I do. {66266}{66346}- What's this?|- Sh! {66402}{66472}- Well?|- You just told us to be quiet. {66474}{66574}No. When I look at this, I think "Sh". {66595}{66667}- That's it.|- What? {66748}{66824}"Praclarush Taonas". Six syllables. {66837}{66914}What if each symbol on|the Stargate has a sound? {66916}{67009}- Like an alphabet?|- Praclarush Taonas isn't just the name. {67011}{67075}It's also the gate address. {67207}{67314}At is the Earth's symbol.|Our point of origin. {67316}{67370}Praclarush Taonas At. {67372}{67453}- So this would lead us to the Lost City.|- It has to. {67455}{67507}Wait a minute. {67509}{67607}We dialled this address two years ago,|but couldn't establish a wormhole. {67609}{67671}- The gate must be buried.|- Lost in fire. {67673}{67727}What we need could still be there. {67729}{67848}I could use the address to calculate the|planet's location, but we'll need a ship. {67850}{67892}Prometheus. {67894}{67984}But with Anubis on his way,|Prometheus is our last line of defence. {67986}{68052}Maybe Teal'c has something by now. {68054}{68118}Where's Colonel O'Neill? {68146}{68182}Packing. {68240}{68299}- Colonel.|- Don't ask. {68301}{68377}The last time, he just did things|without knowing why. {68379}{68458}It's a good sign.|It means we're on the right track. {68460}{68531}- Sir?|- I don't know, Carter. {68657}{68732}Grab a naqahdah generator, will ya? {69159}{69218}I am Ronan. {69220}{69281}I knew your father. {69283}{69335}It is an honour. {69455}{69540}- I have a ship at my disposal.|- So we have heard. {69542}{69611}Forgive me, but, as brave as you are, {69613}{69702}you cannot hope to stop|the fleet of Anubis with just one ship. {69704}{69755}I have seen the extent of his forces. {69757}{69853}We only wish to use your ship to help us|find something much more powerful. {69855}{69963}Something that we believe|will defeat Anubis once and for all. {69965}{70054}If that is true, then I will join you. {70116}{70176}That is my only condition. {70257}{70351}- I am a fine pilot.|- So we have heard. {70516}{70629}Have you got everything you need?|I think there's still the sink in the kitchen. {70631}{70678}Was that a joke? {70680}{70740}Perhaps. A bad one. {70742}{70800}Yes, very bad. {70802}{70863}But I sense hope for you. {70865}{70988}Well, I hope for all of us that you find|what you're looking for, Colonel. {70990}{71040}Thank you. {71631}{71662}What? {71664}{71722}I would have done it, you know. {71782}{71869}- I know.|- There has to be a way to reverse it. {71871}{71944}Once we have what we need. {71946}{72017}We'll find a way. {72116}{72226}We're coaxing everything out of|the engines, but we're still two days away. {72228}{72305}- How you feeling, sir?|- A bit cruvis. {72340}{72407}A little fron ache. {72537}{72595}We need to go faster. {72969}{73010}A short time ago, {73012}{73108}our radar detected three Goa'uld|vessels emerging from hyperspace. {73110}{73161}Looks like you were wrong, Bob. {73163}{73260}Three Goa'uld ships is hardly|the full force of Anubis's fleet. {73262}{73316}It sounds to me like Anubis wants to know {73318}{73409}if SG-1 was successful in|procuring Ancient defence technology. {73411}{73492}- They weren't.|- Not yet, but Anubis doesn't know. {73494}{73606}He's most likely holding back his invasion|fleet till he finds out what we've got. {73608}{73714}Sir, Prometheus and our fleet of 302s|can give them a run for their money. {73716}{73810}- If that's all he throws at us, I agree.|- Then let's do it. {73812}{73887}However, Mr President,|I agree with your assessment. {73889}{74003}Anubis wants to goad us into a precipitous|action which will show our hand. {74005}{74108}I believe launching the Prometheus now|will only serve to demonstrate {74110}{74232}we lack the very advanced weaponry|Anubis is afraid of. {74272}{74332}Remain at DEFCON 3 for the time being, {74334}{74449}but contact the governments of Russia,|Great Britain, France, China and Canada. {74451}{74501}Let 'em know what we think we're in for. {74503}{74609}In the meantime,|I better prepare a hell of a speech. {74611}{74658}Thank you. {74938}{74988}Gimme your zat. {75268}{75339}There you go. {75341}{75387}Sir, {75389}{75486}you should know that General Hammond|authorised me to take command... {75488}{75553}- Do it now.|- I don't think that's necessary. {75555}{75611}I trust you. {75613}{75671}I'll make it easy for you. {75673}{75752}I resign. You're in charge. {75770}{75813}OK. {75840}{75966}At your house, before Daniel and Teal'c|showed up, what I was gonna say was... {75968}{76018}I know. {76621}{76755}My lord. The advance Ha'tak reports|that they have received no challenge. {76757}{76833}Order them to begin the attack. {76835}{76959}If the Tauri have weapons|of the Ancients, we shall see. {77385}{77510}This doesn't look good. The surface is|almost completely covered by lava flows. {77512}{77564}How could there have been a civilisation? {77566}{77645}A star becomes a red giant|near the end of its life. {77647}{77724}A million years ago, this planet|may have looked like Earth. {77726}{77797}- So we're a million years late?|- Probably more. {77799}{77848}That's very late. {77943}{77993}What? {78178}{78250}I have scanned the entire surface. {78279}{78358}What do you want me to say?|I don't even know why we're here. {78360}{78434}But you did pack the hazmat suits for us. {78436}{78531}You knew the condition of the planet|and that we would have to go there. {78533}{78633}- Then you know more than I do.|- No, sir. I don't. {78635}{78695}Sit down and take a look. {78754}{78821}That's an order. {78997}{79042}Easy. {79388}{79446}Taonas. {79448}{79506}- Sir?|- What? {79508}{79598}You looked at the screen|and said "Taonas". {79635}{79695}- If you say so.|- You say so. {79809}{79905}There's a small anomaly|on the surface here. Like a bubble. {79907}{79966}Is it a cavern? {79968}{80055}It looks like a perfectly-formed|half-sphere of molten rock. {80057}{80131}Perhaps a force field for|the city was covered over. {80133}{80238}Too small to have a city in there.|We aren't getting energy readings from it. {80240}{80299}Perhaps the shield has since failed. {80301}{80373}We should still check it out. {80453}{80527}We've managed to contact|the captain of the Spruance, {80529}{80594}a destroyer in the Nimitz battle group. {80596}{80653}(captain) Some beam came outta the sky. {80655}{80760}There wasn't any warning, but|the entire carrierjust went up in a fireball. {80762}{80820}- Captain, can you see the enemy?|- Holy! {80822}{80930}Another cruiserjust blew up.|Where the hell's the fire coming from? {80932}{81007}(connection crackles and dies) {81286}{81369}The engagement began|less than five minutes ago. {81371}{81455}And that was only one Goa'uld ship. {81836}{81960}Here, the crust may be thin enough|for the rings to penetrate. {81962}{82012}Stand by. {82329}{82434}- Can you still hear us?|- (Teal'c) Indeed. Loudly and clearly. {82436}{82543}We will move a safe distance,|and return on your signal. {82605}{82664}(Carter) The radiation level's high. {82666}{82814}(Teal'c) I believe Ronan was correct.|A shield once protected this structure. {82816}{82907}(Carter) It's possible the rings|compromise the dome's integrity. {82909}{83011}(Daniel) Too bad.|Otherwise, it's very pleasant. {83768}{83922}(Daniel) Architecture definitely indicates|this was built by the Ancients. {83924}{84014}(Teal'c) This facility|does not appear operational. {84016}{84161}(Carter) I don't know about you guys,|but I'm hoping this isn't the Lost City. {84198}{84255}Sir, be careful. {84341}{84428}Jack, you sure you know|what you're doing? {84772}{84837}The atmosphere is safe. {85487}{85549}(Carter) It's a map of the galaxy. {85551}{85673}Looks like every planet the Ancients|ever colonised is indicated here. {85675}{85745}This is where we are - Praclarush. {85830}{85886}That's our solar system. {85912}{86023}- Earth.|- That does not appear to be Earth. {86025}{86150}It doesn't take into consideration|the 30 million years of continental drift. {86152}{86219}Sir, why are you showing us this? {86292}{86342}Jack? {86410}{86452}Terre Atlantus. {86454}{86520}"Terre" is Earth. Atlantis. {86522}{86602}The Lost City of Atlantis? {86626}{86731}Are you saying|the Lost City of the Ancients is here? {86786}{86834}Antarctica. {86836}{86892}Subo glaciuse. {86894}{87032}"Under the ice." The city we've been|looking for is under the ice of Antarctica. {87034}{87099}It's been on Earth the whole time? {87126}{87163}We were there. {87165}{87257}We came all this way just to find out|that we have to go all the way back. {87259}{87293}No. {87951}{88017}(Carter) A power source. {88085}{88135}Bra'tac, we're on our way. {88137}{88218}We know the location of the Lost City.|It's on Earth. {88226}{88287}Understood, Major Carter. {88289}{88384}Pilot the vessel.|I will see to the transport rings. {88386}{88436}(gasps) {88492}{88549}I am betrayed. {88551}{88649}You are the betrayer|of your one true god, Anubis. {88822}{88912}You should have struck|for my heart, Ronan. {88914}{88967}You will die more slowly this way. {88969}{89063}You are mistaken.|I no longer carry a symbiote. {89422}{89485}(Daniel) I don't think|the dome's gonna hold. {89573}{89645}You are weak, old man. {89802}{89892}(Carter) Bra'tac,|what's happening up there? {90129}{90210}You may be younger, but not the wiser. {90511}{90563}Bra'tac, the dome is collapsing. {90816}{90866}(gasps) {91021}{91093}(Bra'tac) Secure the ship. {91344}{91439}Ronan was an agent of Anubis. {91441}{91503}Save your strength, old friend. {91505}{91676}You know that I am stubborn, Teal'c,|but this battle I fear I cannot win. {92539}{92618}The pain is fading. {92658}{92708}Jack! {92996}{93094}Once more, I am in your debt. {93096}{93146}But how? {93148}{93228}O'Neill possesses|the healing power of the Ancients. {93230}{93355}I guess your condition's|a little more advanced than last time. {93357}{93435}Teal'c, set a course for Earth. {93630}{93767}Our F/A-22s and ABLs are all in the air, but|so far there's been nothing to intercept. {93769}{93858}Since the battle group was destroyed,|the Goa'uld haven't fired. {93860}{93934}Why not a city or two?|Just to prove his point. {93936}{93990}(whirring) {94265}{94342}Hold your fire! It's a hologram. {94373}{94427}I am Anubis. {94558}{94664}- You've got to be kidding.|- You are the leader of this world. {94666}{94768}Henry Hayes.|President of the United States of America. {94770}{94832}One nation among many. {94834}{94924}No more. Bow before your god. {94953}{95010}I don't think so. {95012}{95087}However, I am willing|to discuss your surrender. {95089}{95213}If you possessed weapons matching|mine, you would have used them. {95215}{95288}Don't let the suit fool ya, fella.|We're gonna fight. {95290}{95349}You bring destruction upon yourselves. {95351}{95403}Never going to happen. {95577}{95616}Too much? {95914}{95965}OK. {95967}{96122}Sir, 30-plus ships just appeared in orbit,|taking station around the planet. {96241}{96284}He didn't buy it. {96286}{96363}It's time to go to the Alpha site.|You can stay in contact... {96365}{96437}Bob, go ahead. {96439}{96536}- Mr President...|- No, no. Go ahead. I'm staying. {96762}{96851}You're all welcome to join him. {96853}{96947}I think you know|we're staying here with you, sir. {96972}{97086}- George, you deserve the right to go.|- No, sir. I think I'll stay as well. {97088}{97130}Good. {97132}{97234}If you'll accept it,|I've got another job for you. {97667}{97756}Are you preparing|a weapon for battle, O'Neill? {97782}{97932}Sensors have detected an armada|of Goa'uld ships in orbit around Earth. {97982}{98097}Can you understand anything|that I'm saying, O'Neill? {98328}{98390}O'Neill. {98392}{98456}I wish for you to know that... {99108}{99206}Mr President, in the last two hours,|the enemy has focused on {99208}{99323}systematically taking out power grids|and broadcast terminals around the globe. {99325}{99425}They seem to wanna|disable our communications. {99482}{99527}So much for my speech. {99529}{99601}We're doing our best|to get the word out to the public. {99603}{99644}Saying what? {99646}{99734}For the moment|we're sticking with a meteor shower. {99736}{99882}That'll only hold up as long as those ships|stay out of range. Go to DEFCON 1. {99884}{99982}John, launch Prometheus. {100208}{100299}I thought you were a lot of things.|A coward wasn't one of them. {100301}{100353}I'm a pragmatist, Doctor. {100355}{100467}Someone has to ensure the survival of the|human race and the American way of live. {100469}{100569}By the way, if you survive, you're through. {100635}{100686}- What's going on?|- We've lost power. {100688}{100783}- Get it back!|- Manual Iris control. Close it, now. {100920}{101016}What do you think you're doing?|Open that Iris and dial the Alpha site. {101018}{101104}Unauthorised offworld activation. {101106}{101147}(explosion) {101171}{101248}- That was a nuke. Or worse.|- Anubis has dialled in. {101250}{101332}- You're not going anywhere.|- Get me out of here. You hear me? {101334}{101435}- Just received a message from SG-1.|- It's not coming through the gate. {101437}{101528}- I don't give a damn!|- Well, I do! {101554}{101580}Dr Weir. {101582}{101677}Mr President, Prometheus can't win|against an entire Goa'uld fleet, {101679}{101756}but it could buy SG-1|time to complete their mission. {101758}{101912}Mr President, that is downright insane.|I am relieving Dr Weir, taking command... {101914}{102042}- Sir, from what I've looked at...|- Will you shut the hell up? {102044}{102101}- I'm sorry, sir.|- Not you, Doctor. {102121}{102160}Excuse me? {102162}{102245}- Consider your resignation accepted.|- You can't do that. {102247}{102312}Oh, please.|I got enough on you to have you shot. {102314}{102384}This is the biggest mistake|you will ever make. {102386}{102506}But I think I'll stick with my original|thought, which is, shut the hell up. {102508}{102574}I promise, you will only live to regret this. {102601}{102659}- (door slams)|- Go ahead, Dr Weir. {102661}{102784}I believe, sir, sending Prometheus|to cover SG-1 is our best hope. {102841}{102912}We have our orders.|Let's get this bird in the air. {102914}{103038}Set inertial compensators and shields|at maximum. Initiate launch sequence. {103362}{103461}Jack's modifying the transmitter.|We'll use it to bore a hole through the ice. {103463}{103553}- We must first defeat the forces of Anubis.|- How we gonna do that? {103555}{103637}You must exit hyperspace|close to the Earth's atmosphere. {103639}{103771}- To be on the other side of the armada.|- There won't be much time to decelerate. {103773}{103856}Of that I am aware, old friend. {104204}{104322}- Teal'c, you're gonna pull up, right?|- I am attempting to do so. {104788}{104813}Where now? {104815}{104957}It has to be near the coordinates|where we found the second Stargate. {105454}{105484}My lord. {105486}{105605}A scout ship has exited hyperspace and|is heading for the planet's southern pole. {106150}{106215}Sir, how long is this gonna take? {106394}{106482}- Anubis cannot have missed our arrival.|- You are correct. {106484}{106561}Al-kesh and gliders approach. Many. {106647}{106736}They will be in firing range in 30 seconds. {106861}{106951}More ships approaching|from the opposite direction. {106953}{107068}- Sir, we're about to get our a...|- They are not Goa'uld. {107482}{107548}Defend that scout ship at all cost. {107550}{107583}Prometheus. {107585}{107663}(Hammond) SG-1, this is Hammond.|Do you read? {107665}{107726}Yes, sir. It's good to see you. {107728}{107778}Let's go. {108082}{108167}Colonel, how are we|gonna get down there? {108197}{108229}The rings. {108231}{108320}The Ancients built the Stargates,|there must be a set of rings. {108322}{108425}The transmission beam|just couldn't penetrate a mile of ice. {108543}{108656}- We're taking damage to the outer hull.|- F302s have expended their ordnance. {108658}{108737}We can't take them aboard.|They'll have to divert to McMurdo. {108739}{108835}- We need to recharge the shields.|- Hold your position. {108929}{108990}Ready. {109022}{109066}Good luck. {109717}{109812}- We are in range, my lord.|- Fire. {109871}{109927}- Shields are failing.|- Scout ship clear. {109929}{110008}Set a course for Anubis's mothership.|Move us out of here. {110010}{110068}Main engines on line. Emergency thrust. {110198}{110251}Tauri vessel is abandoning its position. {110435}{110517}(Carter) This looks vaguely familiar. {110950}{111015}Dormata. {111017}{111048}"Sleep"? {111050}{111100}(ringing sound) {111401}{111509}You are too late.|The power of the Ancients is mine. {111874}{111919}Fools. {111945}{112009}It's a hologram. {113137}{113236}- The human attack vessel approaches.|- Destroy it. {113844}{113918}Sir, whatever you're gonna do... {114009}{114089}Shields are down.|Weapons are expended. {114091}{114173}- The next hit's gonna take us out.|- Hold your course. {114175}{114247}Brace for a collision. If we go, they go. {116125}{116233}- Weapons fire coming from the surface.|- Break off course. Get us clear. {116437}{116483}Our shields are of no use. {116563}{116611}No! {116796}{116899}- What the hell was that?|- That was SG-1. {116901}{117022}(man) Thousands of bright yellow... I don't|know, they're coming from the surface. {117024}{117161}They're cutting the enemy fleet to shreds.|My God, it's beautiful. {117307}{117353}Sir? {117378}{117418}Sir? {117451}{117518}His pulse is erratic. {117520}{117581}Don't you dare leave us now. We won. {117600}{117650}Colonel! {117678}{117748}Sir, I have the president for you. {117776}{117844}Patch him through. {117846}{117981}Mr President, I'm confirming the enemy's|been defeated. The threat is eliminated. {117983}{118054}Congratulations, George. {118056}{118181}I don't know how we're ever|going to be able to thank you. {118271}{118335}Please, Jack. {118448}{118509}Dormata. {118551}{118601}That thing. {119078}{119141}Now what? {119143}{119247}Aveo... amacuse. {119319}{119364}Goodbye. {119867}{119999}We can't just leave him like this. There|has to be a way to reverse the process. {120001}{120104}- I don't think this is it, Sam.|- What do you mean? {120106}{120179}The dome's too small. It's like Taonas. {120181}{120259}It's obviously not a city.|It's an outpost of some kind. {120261}{120335}- This isn't Atlantis?|- I don't think so. {120376}{120517}If this is not the Lost City...|then where is it? {122344}{122429}Visiontext Subtitles: Joanna Wilkinson