{1}{1}25.000 {2}{65}Previously on Stargate SG1 {72}{148}So you guys are ex-NID. {175}{222}You call yourselves the Trust now, right? {225}{270}You try to shut down the SGC. {272}{350}You make a speech about how|you hate secret organisations, {350}{412}then jump in bed with the NID...|What is that? {415}{462}Consider your resignation accepted Bob. {463}{512}- You can't do that.|- Oh please. {513}{550}I got enough on you to have you shot. {552}{638}There's no-one here. We've got all the exits covered...|there's no way they could have gotten out. {640}{672}How is that possible? {790}{835}This is the ship Osiris left behind. {838}{898}If you hadn't caught her, we never|would have had this opportunity. {900}{940}They're trying to run, sir. {945}{970}Damn it! {2280}{2359}Bad news. You're out of scotch. {2428}{2539}Well if I'd known you were coming|I would have hidden the good stuff. {2585}{2673}If you'd known I was coming,|I doubt I'd have made it through the door. {2810}{2858}Who are you calling? {2861}{2909}The local sheriff's a friend of mine. {2933}{3047}I may be disgraced,|but I'm not wanted for any crimes. {3069}{3123}Breaking and entering? {3139}{3164}Jack. {3190}{3225}It's ringing. {3341}{3409}Now you can listen to what I have to say. {3603}{3650}Oh for God's sake! {3710}{3770}You need to start trusting me Jack. {3817}{3867}No, I really don't. {3871}{3925}Yes, you really do. {3970}{4050}The fate of the planet depends on it. {4237}{4361}Season 8 - Episode 14|Full alert {4458}{4568}Transcript:|stargatedanielfriendly.net {4990}{5086}Synchro:|frost666, greatouillle, Kotaro {5447}{5512}www.seriestele.net {5685}{5710}Hello? {5717}{5761}Andy, it's Jack. {5768}{5805}Hey what's up. {5865}{5935}Jack. Hello? {5940}{6023}I was just checking on Friday,|making sure we're still on for Poker. {6024}{6070}- Yeah, you bet.|- I'll bring the beer. {6071}{6130}- Alright.|- See you then. {6190}{6235}Wise decision. {6345}{6390}You've got three minutes {6440}{6520}before I shoot you as an intruder in my home. {6570}{6615}Same old Jack O'Neill. {6616}{6670}Although I hear you're a General now. {6671}{6711}Congratulations. {6764}{6825}Alright then. Straight to the point. {6855}{6936}You wanna take down the Trust. I can help you. {6950}{7014}I'm sorry, I must have missed an episode. {7018}{7058}I thought you guys were working together. {7061}{7192}After I was forced to resign as Vice President,|my relationship with the organisation changed. {7211}{7311}Meaning, you were no longer useful,|so they kicked you out on your ass. {7314}{7437}That's a rather crude way of putting it, but yes. {7462}{7510}Why didn't they just shoot you? {7515}{7550}Believe me, that was a consideration. {7551}{7630}Which is why, when they|requested a meeting a few day's ago, {7631}{7710}I suggested a nice public venue. {7819}{7916}They made me a very interesting offer. {7998}{8070}In exchange for a large cash payment, {8071}{8185}the Trust wants me to arrange|a meeting with General Miroslav Kisolev. {8186}{8242}The Russian Defence Minister. {8245}{8321}I thought they already had connections|with the Russian military. {8325}{8370}This isn't just a connection. {8371}{8590}Kiselev excercises operational authority over all of|Russia's armed forces, including their nuclear arsenal. {8593}{8663}And he just happens to be a good friend of yours. {8755}{8835}After the fall of Communism,|he was one of a number of officers {8836}{8960}assigned to pursue secret talks with the west,|aimed at military co-operation. {8982}{9038}He was a hard liner even then. {9039}{9173}His country was falling apart, but he came at us|as though we were the one's at a disadvantage. {9214}{9314}He and I developed a mutual respect. {9340}{9389}What does the Trust want with him? {9390}{9425}Well they wouldn't give me any specifics, {9426}{9510}but they know we entered into a deal|with the Russians for control of the gate, {9511}{9583}and they also know that there's|a growing sentiment in Moscow, {9586}{9645}that we haven't been keeping up our end of the bargain. {9648}{9709}You think they're trying|to turn the Russians against us. {9722}{9772}It's ambitious, I know, even for the Trust, {9773}{9880}but from what I hear,|after you put a crimp in their little plan {9881}{10007}to use symbiote poison to wipe out the Goa'uld,|there's been a change of attitude. {10008}{10104}They're no longer willing to stay|in the shadows and bide their time. {10108}{10180}They wanna make a direct grab for power. {10235}{10285}That's why I came to you. {10301}{10373}Yes, you've always struck me as the hero type. {10515}{10655}You may question my methods,|but everything I did was for God and country. {10674}{10780}For the Trust to ally themselves with|a foreign power against the United States Of America, {10781}{10842}well that's just something I can't condone. {10843}{10945}Kinsey please! Spare me the diatribe. {10970}{11080}They kicked you when you were down|and you want revenge. It's as simple as that. {11081}{11160}The truth is, my motives are irrelevant. {11161}{11295}The Trust has become an imminent|threat to the sovereignty of this nation. {11296}{11421}Now, what are you gonna do about it? {11687}{11755}Well it would be a problem.|But then the gate's only here on loan. {11756}{11817}If the Russians decided they|want it back, things could get sticky. {11820}{11877}Is it possible Kinsey is simply lying? {11880}{11944}That is always possible. {11969}{12024}Has he asked for anything|in return for the information? {12037}{12077}Protection. {12081}{12138}Makes sense, if he doesn't co-operate,|the Trust will kill him. {12159}{12200}Maybe he should co-operate. {12201}{12325}This could be our chance to get somebody|on the inside. Infiltrate the organization. {12453}{12520}You want me to wear a wire? {12536}{12576}That's the deal. {12589}{12640}I am not a spy! {12649}{12685}Think of it this way. {12685}{12750}If you don't do what they want... {12760}{12785}they'll kill ya. {12800}{12850}If you don't do what we want... {12890}{12920}we'll let em. {12953}{12999}Well that's as good as pulling the trigger yourself. {13000}{13058}I thought Stargate Command|didn't do that sort of thing. {13061}{13148}Well, we're under new management. {13200}{13243}Alright, let's test it. {13256}{13290}How is it looking? {13291}{13322}We've got picture. {13329}{13363}Let's have your belt. {13369}{13395}Why? {13396}{13443}You should be wearing this one instead. {13458}{13552}The buckle contains a GPS receiver unit|that'll allow us to track your movements. {13553}{13599}When we're done, I want that back. {13625}{13680}Now they've arranged to meet you at a remote location. {13687}{13735}My guess is that they'll have you leave your car {13735}{13819}and then they'll drive you to a second location,|where the actual meeting will take place. {13820}{13907}Now we're gonna have to keep back a fair distance,|so as not to arouse suspicion. {13910}{13990}But we will be monitoring your conversations|by means of this listening device {13991}{14045}that we've fitted into the collar of your shirt. {14058}{14166}We've got a strike team with us. They will be ready|to move in at the first sign of trouble. {14171}{14280}Now in the event that something does go wrong,|I suggest that we come up with a pre-established signal. {14284}{14359}Preferably a code word,|that'll let us know you're in trouble. {14365}{14439}How about something simple, like "help". {14452}{14575}How about something a little less obvious, like "red". {14597}{14624}Whatever. {14629}{14716}Don't be too direct, fishing for information.|Let them do the talking. {14718}{14814}Get out of my way! I know what to do. {15227}{15265}You're late! {15340}{15376}You're kidding right? {15377}{15413}Afraid not. {15818}{15860}He's on the move. {15872}{15897}Understood. {16081}{16152}{Y:i}So how long's this sightseeing trip gonna last? {16158}{16198}{Y:i}We'll let you know. {16561}{16608}He turned off the main road. {17276}{17314}He's stopped. {17647}{17677}This way. {18078}{18180}Bob, good to see you again. Sorry about the blindfold. {18310}{18360}What can we get you to drink? {18377}{18408}What are you having? {18416}{18448}Vodka Tonic. {18469}{18528}In that case I'll have a scotch. No ice. {18531}{18588}We're glad you finally agreed to a private meeting. {18647}{18731}We were afraid you might be|holding a grudge against us. {18764}{18858}You mean because you abandoned me|at the moment I needed you the most? {18902}{19004}You were a liability Bob. An embarrassment. {19021}{19080}I think you've got that backwards. {19092}{19206}I was only forced to resign as Vice President,|because they found out about my relationship with you. {19209}{19290}Either way, you were no longer useful to us. {19330}{19380}You would have done the same. {19405}{19430}Maybe. {19450}{19490}But when I cut someone loose, {19515}{19590}I don't go back to them grovelling for favours. {19591}{19656}You say what's on your mind, I'll give you that. {19659}{19813}And under the circumstances, I might be worried about|winding up like one of your trophies on the wall. {19825}{19931}But you've already made it clear that you need me,|so I don't have anything to worry about, do I? {20029}{20064}We're losing video. {20074}{20138}It's true, we do need you. But not for what you think. {20139}{20190}- They're jamming us?|- I don't know {20205}{20240}What are you talking about? {20280}{20306}Show him. {20746}{20830}This is why we need you. {20914}{20972}What the hell is going on here? {21025}{21115}They are definitely jamming us.|Teal'c we've lost audio. Move in! {21295}{21325}Can you get the signal back? {21328}{21371}I can't get past the interference. {22137}{22177}They beamed out. {22195}{22241}This is starting to become a habit. {22346}{22461}If the Al'Kesh is in orbit, they must have fixed|the cloak, because SSN hasn't picked them up. {22462}{22500}What about their locator beacons? {22503}{22565}We're running a search|through the NSA satellite system, {22566}{22650}but all they'd have to do|to avoid detection is change the frequency. {22651}{22708}Odds are we're not gonna find anything. {22733}{22794}Well the Pentagon's been apprised of the situation. {22796}{22859}They're launching Prometheus in about four hours. {22865}{22972}I want you onboard.|There's a C17 waiting for you at Peterson. {22984}{23024}Understood. {23027}{23141}Sir, I've been going over the sensor logs from|the last encounter with Prometheus and the Al'Kesh. {23150}{23263}There were a few small anomalies emanating|from the ship's position before it decloaked. {23267}{23325}It didn't register because|we didn't know to look for it, {23326}{23429}but I could create a program that would key|the sensors to those particular readings. {23430}{23498}I was just going to suggest that. {23505}{23557}So we'd be able to detect a cloaked ship? {23560}{23654}Well it's not that simple.|These anomalies are very difficult to detect. {23658}{23723}It might have just been a fluke|that we picked them up the first time. {23733}{23882}The effect is also mimicked by certain types of cosmic|radiation, but I still think it might improve our odds. {23885}{23929}So instead of a million to one. {23960}{24021}Maybe, ten thousand to one. {24054}{24100}- Improved it.|- Yeah. {24104}{24151}I'll need a few hours to create the program. {24152}{24177}Fine. {24329}{24372}I have to pick up my dry cleaning. {24373}{24435}You're on a flight to Moscow in half an hour. {24445}{24471}I am? {24474}{24570}Yes you are.|Colonel Chekov's people will meet you there. {24581}{24653}Will you please try to find out|what the hells going on? {24668}{24780}And if you get a chance,|hook up with this General 'Kiselev'. {24786}{24855}Jack, knowing we're onto them,|they may just abort the mission. {24858}{24957}Nah, the way Kinsey was talking,|it sounds like they're looking for a big score here. {24970}{25030}And what if he won't co-operate with them? {25036}{25114}Kinsey will do what's best for Kinsey. {25520}{25626}Sir, download is complete. Colonel Carter's|new sensor program is online and operational. {25633}{25673}Alright, begin search pattern Alpha. {25674}{25713}Yes sir. {25977}{26060}Hi, I'm here to see Captain Veronkov. {26063}{26118}There is no Captain Veronkov here. {26129}{26215}Oh, that's strange. The girl in the hall said... {26218}{26310}I am Captain VeronkovA. Daria Veronkova. {26311}{26360}You must be Daniel Jackson. {26361}{26472}Yeah. I'm sorry, I was told I'd be meeting|Colonel Chekov's right hand man, so naturally I... {26475}{26589}For my part, I expected a drab,|pasty faced, middle aged academic. {26591}{26649}I too am pleasantly surprised. {26746}{26782}Your English is excellent. {26783}{26837}Spassiba. And how is your Russian? {26845}{26945}Although I don't get the opportunity to practice much,|I'm conversational. I suppose I can get by. {26972}{27054}Ok, we stick to English then. {27055}{27093}I will be your guide. {27094}{27209}Whatever you wish to do while you are in Moscow,|you will ask me first, I will take care of it. {27210}{27306}If you desire to meet with anyone,|I will arrange it for you. {27307}{27378}If you go out on your own, I cannot protect you. {27379}{27482}Lie to me or attempt to mislead me,|and I will not protect you. {27483}{27505}Ok. {27548}{27595}Have you eaten a proper lunch? {27595}{27627}I had something on the plane. {27627}{27663}Then the answer is no. {27664}{27686}Good. {27687}{27770}I know a restaurant around the corner|that serves the best salo in Moscow. {27771}{27814}Oh, I'm not a big fan of salo. {27815}{27906}Don't worry, you will aquire taste. {28095}{28131}Sir, what's going on? {28132}{28187}The Russians have gone|into a heightened state of alert. {28188}{28245}- Why?|- I'm trying to find out. {28246}{28315}The President's called a meeting for the joint chiefs. {28316}{28390}We're at DEFCON 3. {28711}{28772}So where exactly are we going? {28773}{28844}You wish to meet with General Kiselev, da? {28844}{28885}That is where we are going. {28886}{28960}You must be pretty well connected|to get me to see him this quickly. {28998}{29031}What do you know about him? {29031}{29082}General Viroslav Kiselev {29083}{29170}Graduated with a gold medal|from Malomosky tank academy. {29171}{29259}Perceived a hero of Russia|for his distinguished leadership in Chechnia. {29260}{29400}Commander of the Plittin military district|of the Iron Division then to 40th army|of Tunguska military district. {29401}{29536}He was the head of the general staff academy for five|years before being appointed to his present position. {29537}{29577}So you've heard of him. {29606}{29670}He's also suspicious of American global influence, {29671}{29784}and highly critical of|what he calls NATO expansion plans. {29785}{29840}You may not receive a very warm welcome. {30426}{30451}Colonel. {30465}{30550}Is that the American|who wishes to see General Kiselev? {30551}{30582}Yes. {30583}{30645}He is to be held for questioning. {30646}{30680}Take him! {30735}{30755}What's going on? {30756}{30792}I don't know. {30792}{30871}Sir, may I ask what this is about? {30872}{30898}Niet! {30944}{30971}Don't worry Daniel. {30972}{31010}I'll find out what's happening! {31305}{31346}Alright. {31370}{31449}Ok, get back to me when you know something. Yeah. {31449}{31505}Sir, Colonel Chekov's here to see you. {31506}{31559}Send him in. {31639}{31658}General. {31658}{31684}Colonel! {31687}{31774}I was hoping you could shed|some light on the situation here. {31775}{31851}We can't seem to get|a straight answer from your Government. {31852}{31979}Well, the information|coming out of Moscow is guarded at best. {31979}{32106}But my sources in the Kremlin tell me|the Russian military is increasing it's alert status {32107}{32207}because they think|the American administration has been compromised. {32375}{32440}Dr Jackson, sorry to keep you waiting. {32443}{32490}No problem. You wanna tell me what's going on? {32500}{32570}All in good time. Please roll up your sleeve. {32585}{32630}We need a sample of your blood. {32740}{32764}You're kidding. {32765}{32850}Either you co-operate, or we will take it by force. {32969}{33028}Is this a normal part of your interrogation procedure? {33029}{33080}It depends what you wish to know. {33092}{33170}In this case, it will answer a very specific question. {33175}{33215}What question? {33216}{33242}Ow! {33352}{33400}Have it analysed immediately. {33522}{33553}What's going on? {33554}{33610}Why do you wish to see General Kiselev? {33632}{33669}It's complicated. {33669}{33712}Surely you can explain it to me. {33712}{33761}I think I'd rather explain it to General Kiselev. {33761}{33803}That's not going to happen. {33804}{33918}You see, earlier today, we managed|to uncover a plot against the General's life. {33919}{34005}Luckily we captured the assassin|before he could make his move. {34148}{34187}I believe you know him. {34202}{34235}Kinsey. {34236}{34274}Robert Kinsey. {34275}{34338}Former Vice President of the United States of America. {34339}{34406}This is insane.|Why would Kinsey wanna kill General Kiselev? {34407}{34490}I'm afraid Mr Kinsey isn't exactly himself these days. {34526}{34620}By stopping me, you have only delayed the inevitable. {34655}{34715}Your world is doomed. {34756}{34840}Now you begin to appreciate|the gravity of the situation. {35016}{35076}How could Kinsey have become a Goa'uld? {35077}{35170}Five bucks say's Carter has a theory. {35170}{35196}As a matter of fact, I do. {35217}{35262}According to Tok'ra intelligence, {35263}{35405}the Trust launched at least two poison attacks|against Goa'uld occupied worlds,|after we took back the Gate. {35405}{35525}That means they had to leave the relatively|safe confines of the solar system and|head out into the galaxy. {35526}{35644}Where they ran the risk of being killed or captured. {35645}{35674}What are you suggesting? {35674}{35804}Any Goa'uld that got his hands on them,|would have discovered pretty quickly that|they belonged to a top secret organisation, {35805}{35926}with high level connections to some of the most|powerful governments and institutions on this planet. {35927}{36009}Including the SGC, Area 51 {36010}{36076}and maybe even the Ancient outpost in the Antarctic. {36077}{36117}My God! {36117}{36180}You think they have been taken|as hosts and then sent back to Earth? {36181}{36221}I think it's possible. {36223}{36322}They could have brought dozens,|maybe hundreds of symbiotes back with them. {36322}{36386}By now, the entire Trust could have been taken over. {36387}{36477}But why would the Goa'uld want|to assassinate General Kiselev? {36478}{36560}We don't know for sure that|was the plan, but if Carter's right, {36560}{36642}Kinsey might have been trying|to get a snake into Kiselev's head. {36643}{36675}It makes sense. {36676}{36749}From Kiselev, it's one step up|to the President of Russia. {36750}{36790}How do we know he didn't succeed? {36790}{36831}Kinsey never met with the General. {36832}{36903}He was arrested before he had the chance. {36909}{37044}Well, my goverment feels that it is the American|administration that has been infiltrated by the Goa'uld. {37045}{37065}Oh, here we go! {37061}{37271}And they are insisting that everyone in key positions,|including the President, must submit for testing. {37280}{37322}Not gonna happen. {37323}{37385}Well, then we have a problem. {37493}{37531}Thank you for getting me out of there. {37532}{37591}It wasn't easy. {37615}{37714}Even after your bloodtest came back negative,|they still wanted to hold you. {37716}{37822}Yeah, not a lot of trust and|goodwill to spare right now, I guess. {37828}{37888}Listen, I need to talk to the Goa'uld. {37890}{37900}Niet. {37901}{37941}You have to get me in to see Kinsey. {37942}{37957}Impossible. {37958}{38010}If we're gonna figure out what's going on here,|we're gonna have to question him. {38010}{38079}He is being questioned,|by Russian military intelligence. {38080}{38117}Yes, and he's feeding them a pack of lies. {38118}{38222}He's telling them the American administration|has been infiltrated because he wants|sto force a confrontation. {38223}{38249}To what end? {38250}{38300}I don't know. That's why I'll need to talk to him. {38301}{38335}Dosta! {38336}{38382}Language! {38435}{38488}Daria, please. {38547}{38607}I'll see what I can do. {38610}{38701}In the meantime, stay here. {38894}{38966}Sir, we've just received another report. {38967}{39093}As of 0912, the Chinese military|have joined the Russians in an elevated state of alert. {39094}{39143}Naturally. {39163}{39191}General. {39192}{39260}I've been talking to my contacts in the Kremlin. {39261}{39333}They tell me President Mikaïlov|is not happy with the situation, {39334}{39415}but he's under considerable|pressure from his military advisors. {39416}{39469}In other words, Kiselev is running the show. {39470}{39498}Da! {39517}{39586}Any idea how we can keep this|from going to total forces? {39587}{39695}Yes. I have many friends in the general staff. {39696}{39800}If I could convince enough of them|to take a united stand against escalation, {39801}{39901}it could give our President|sufficient leverage to consider other options. {39902}{40017}And if Kiselev finds out you're going|around him, it could make things worse. {40018}{40113}At this point, I don't believe we have much choice. {40132}{40166}Right. {40575}{40647}Thank you. We'll call you when we need you. {40866}{40911}So what should I call you? {40912}{40993}You are unworthy to speak my name. {40996}{41042}Maybe. {41048}{41125}I'm guessing you work for the System Lords. Am I right? {41127}{41251}I know you're not working for Ba'al.|He's too busy conquering the galaxy to be bothered|with an unimportant planet like Earth. {41252}{41287}I've gotta hand it to you though. {41288}{41348}The territories are falling one by one,|your troops are in full retreat, {41349}{41430}and you still find the time to come and|try and destroy little old us. {41431}{41478}The question is why? {41556}{41662}Captain Veronkova thinks it's a petty need|for revenge for all the trouble|we've caused you over the years. Sort of a... {41663}{41771}last ditch attempt to take us with you before|Ba'al finishes you off. I told her that|the System Lords aren't that pathetic, are they? {41772}{41826}You are the one who is pathetic. {41827}{41945}You will die never knowing our true purpose. {41946}{42005}So there is a hidden agenda. {42074}{42146}Making progress now, aren't we. {42245}{42283}Yeah. {42291}{42338}Alright. Keep me posted. {42346}{42363}Well, {42371}{42523}the Chinese are refusing|to back down and gosh and golly, go figure,|we're picking up increased chatter from within Russia. {42524}{42587}I am still waiting to hear back|from my contacts in Moscow. {42588}{42674}And I just talked to the Joint Chiefs. {42701}{42784}We're going to DEFCON 2. {42828}{42933}You know, I'm sure if we put our heads together we'd|come up with a dozen reasons why you'd wanna wipe us out. {42934}{43020}The most important being|the Ancient weapon that you know we possess. {43021}{43202}I'm sure the System Lords think that if they can get us|to wipe ourselves out that they could just step right in and take it.|They're probably right, but what I don't understand is you. {43203}{43253}Why are you so willing to sacrifice yourself? {43254}{43398}I assure you, I have no intention|of dying on this miserable planet. {43399}{43452}You're in Russian defence headquarters, {43453}{43487}a primary target. {43487}{43621}If you do succeed in starting a nuclear war|then you're gonna die right along with the rest of us. {43687}{43739}Unless there's something I'm missing. {43740}{43832}You should return to your homes|and say farewell to your loved ones. {43833}{43907}Your Gods have deemed you to be unworthy, {43908}{43986}and the hour of reckoning is at hand. {43988}{44056}Air Force Space Command just|put all its missile wings on alert. {44057}{44121}The first B2 left Whiteman at 0940. {44122}{44197}FL SATCOM sent out an emergency action message. {44198}{44301}Nine of our missile submarines are at sea and|the rest are preparing for immediate sortie. {44301}{44480}The President and his team are|on the way to Andrews where the National Airborne|Command Post is awaiting their arrival. {44495}{44594}General Kiselev found out|we were trying to rally support against him. {44595}{44684}He's already arrested|several officers on trumped up charges. {44684}{44764}I'm afraid Doctor Jackson may be in danger. {44764}{44806}Come on! {44806}{44837}I mean, next to ... {44838}{44939}slaughtering innocents, gloating is|what you guys are all about. It must be just... {44939}{45054}killing you, just sitting there not|bragging about your brilliant plan. {45176}{45214}We have to get out of here now! {45214}{45229}Why, what is it? {45230}{45254}They're coming for us. {45255}{45267}Who? {45268}{45320}{Y:i}Step aside!|We are under orders from General Kiselev! {45348}{45380}You are too late. {45540}{45575}Sorry guys, we gotta go! {45886}{45912}What is the meaning of this? {45913}{45963}Dr Jackson, welcome onboard the Prometheus. {45964}{46005}Any luck finding the Al-Kesh? {46006}{46029}None. {46030}{46092}Maybe he can help us. {46093}{46122}I think not. {46122}{46173}If you do not co-operate, I will kill you. {46174}{46238}Don't you realise what you have done? {46238}{46355}The Russians already suspect that|you've been compromised by the Goa'uld. {46356}{46430}As far as they know, you helped me to escape. {46431}{46568}You've done more to convince them than I ever could. {46680}{46732}Listen up people! {46732}{46780}I've just got word. {46781}{46869}The Russians have gone|to a state of full military preparedness. {46870}{46983}As of this moment, we are at DEFCON 1. {47140}{47329}The Russians will no doubt view my abduction|as an attempt to hide evidence that|your government has been infiltrated by the Goa'uld. {47330}{47427}You have no choice but to return me immediately. {47435}{47474}Yeah, see that's the part that I don't understand. {47475}{47592}The whole time you were down there,|you were doing your best to start a nuclear war,|even though you were right in the line of fire. {47592}{47664}Now you wanna go back? {47680}{47742}He has a way out. {47743}{47830}He knows someone on the inside.|Someone who can protect him. {47848}{47874}Who is it ? {47878}{47925}I have nothing more to say to you. {47931}{48061}We can start this again, when he's had some|more time to think about it. Take him to the brig. {48179}{48315}All our naval forces have been deployed and|we've got some pretty big birds in the air right now. {48352}{48508}Radio chatter suggests that both your people and|the Chinese have alerted their missile regiments. {48508}{48529}They're posturing. {48540}{48650}Kiselev knows that even if he launches an|effective first strike against your land based forces, {48650}{48747}your sea based missiles are already|in a position to exact extreme retribution. {48749}{48817}Yeah, that's only|if he doesn't completely lose his mind, {48817}{48875}and I'm not discounting that possibility. {48887}{48953}As Acting Commander In Chief|of the Russian Armed Forces, {48953}{49014}President Mikaïlov is our only hope of reeling him in. {49017}{49046}Well we can't get through to him! {49046}{49134}He's not even taking calls from the Whitehouse anymore. {49135}{49210}He is convinced the Goa'uld now|control the American administration. {49265}{49399}Look, I know a few people on his personal staff.|I may be able to get a direct line. {49404}{49446}But, if we do may contact, {49449}{49563}we'll only have a few minutes to convince him|that General Kiselev has been misled by the Goa'uld. {49571}{49637}Right now, I don't see how we're going to do that. {49980}{50011}We are in position. {50047}{50094}{Y:i}Have they detected our presence? {50097}{50118}No. {50128}{50195}{Y:i}Very well. Destroy the ship. {50216}{50336}They have superior shields. If we do not succeed|with the first salvo we will be at a disadvantage. {50338}{50450}{Y:i}So long as he is in their hands,|he remains a liability. We have no choice. {50451}{50483}Understood. {50666}{50694}What the hell was that? {50885}{50930}- We're under attack.|- Shields up! {50978}{51036}Shields are down to 40%. We've lost starboard engines. {51038}{51133}Transfer power to port engines. Give me evasive|maneuvers! Bring all weapon batteries online. {51141}{51204}- Bridge, this is Sgt Larson.|- Go ahead. {51209}{51268}I'm sorry sir, the prisoner escaped. {51273}{51299}Very well. {51489}{51558}Please, tell me you have something. {51570}{51611}Yes sir, I think I do. {51630}{51717}I've been going over everything|we have on General Kiselev, and I found this. {51751}{51872}Colonel Ruselin Chernovchev.|He's Kiselev's Chief Of Staff. His right hand man. {51876}{51981}Three years ago he was involved in a plot to sell|a captured symbiote to elements of the Trust, {51983}{52042}then operating within the NID. {52057}{52128}That means the Trust had|a direct connection to Kiselev. {52131}{52175}They didn't need Kinsey. {52177}{52288}He was just a pretext to justify this confrontation,|by making them think that we'd been compromised. {52298}{52398}So if the Trust had access to Kiselev,|then he could have been compromised as well. {52401}{52424}Exactly. {52453}{52567}This is a file photo of General Kiselev|taken three years ago. {52584}{52699}And this was taken less than a week ago,|during a speech he gave at the General Staff Academy. {52720}{52758}Notice the difference? {52815}{52857}Glasses? {52873}{52918}May I see that? {52933}{52979}We know that symbiotes have healing power. {52988}{53095}They can cure a host body of any number of|physical shortcomings. Including bad eyesight. {53150}{53257}That's it?|Did it occur to you that he might be wearing contacts? {53262}{53320}Sir, I realise it's not a lot to go on. {53320}{53363}Have you heard of laser surgery? {53371}{53422}No wait, Colonel Carter is right. {53429}{53520}General Kiselev suffered from glaucoma.|His vision was extremely poor. {53522}{53633}There is no possibility he could have read|from a prepared statement without his glasses. {53644}{53693}Sir, I think Kiselev's a Goa'uld. {53706}{53756}I think he has been all along. {54667}{54704}Crap. {54847}{54891}We've almost got it sir, stand by. {54917}{55030}Hey! How do we know Mikaïlov hasn't been infected too? {55056}{55155}We don't, but at this point,|we hardly have anything to lose. {55163}{55185}Good point. {55199}{55244}We've got it sir. You're on. {55283}{55332}Mr President, can you hear me? {55333}{55395}{Y:i}Colonel Chekov, this is highly irregular. {55396}{55507}Yes sir, but these are highly unusual circumstances. {55508}{55569}{Y:i}Agreed. Is General O'Neill there with you? {55572}{55600}I'm here Mr President. {55604}{55738}{Y:i}It's good to speak with you again,|although you understand, at the moment|I cannot trust anything you say. {55746}{55799}Yeah, about that. {55808}{55888}It's true there has been a Goa'uld infiltration, {55908}{55985}but it's not on our side. It's on yours. {56109}{56169}{Y:i}What is it exactly that you are saying? {56192}{56243}Let me put it this way sir. {56266}{56428}The last time you saw General Kiselev, did you|happen to notice if he was wearing his glasses? {56492}{56550}Shields are holding sir, 40% and steady. {56554}{56587}Then we've got em. {56587}{56636}Come about and prepare to fire on my signal. {56814}{56882}I'm pleased you were able to use|my diversion to free yourself. {56886}{56931}Do you think I'm a fool? {56946}{57052}You tried to destroy the ship, because|you thought I would reveal information about you. {57061}{57119}Of course not. We were merely... {57164}{57208}Open fire, all batteries! {57210}{57240}Yes sir. {57696}{57776}We're sending you the relevant|documents now, Mr President. {57780}{57869}Proof of Colonel Chernochev's|prior relationship with the Trust. {57872}{57982}Plus a list of Generals who are willing to support you,|should you decide to move against General Kiselev. {57988}{58074}{Y:i}I must say, I'm not sure|what to make of all of this. {58079}{58154}Well, you could start by trusting us. {58155}{58211}{Y:i}And if you had been compromised by the Goa'uld, {58214}{58332}{Y:i}I would be standing down my forces with the|Americans in position to launch an immediate attack! {58340}{58454}Sir, we both know that neither side|can win outright with a first strike. {58457}{58590}That's the whole point. The Goa'uld don't|want a winner. They want us to destroy each other. {58597}{58617}{Y:i}Why? {58626}{58740}We believe their ultimate goal is to get|their hands on the Ancient weapon in Antarctica. {58753}{58880}Sir, MPIC is reporting visuals|from Russian missile site 537. {58883}{58961}Silo doors are open.|Evidence of a firefight on the ground. {58964}{59039}Oh my God! Kiselev is trying|to launch without authorisation. {59052}{59154}Mr President. You are about|to lose control of your own forces. {59156}{59223}- You have to do something right now.|- {Y:i}I am... {59290}{59311}What happened? {59315}{59386}We lost the connection. The line is down. {59463}{59543}Sir, the Al-Kesh is no longer making|evasive maneouvers or returning fire. {59545}{59577}We have a clear shot. {59623}{59658}Stand by. {59774}{59818}Why are we not returning fire? {60053}{60089}They're powering weapons. {60101}{60137}Take them out. {60387}{60425}Target destroyed. {61006}{61056}Give me Washington. {61062}{61104}General wait! {61105}{61140}We're out of time Colonel. {61145}{61195}Please. {61350}{61457}Sir, MPIC is reporting new visuals at 537. {61481}{61521}Silo doors are closing. {61528}{61598}Russian bombers are turning|around and returning to base. {61688}{61729}They're standing down.