{1}{1}23.976 {343}{363}What you got? {396}{426}- Jaffa?|- Quiet! {561}{588}It is nothing. {662}{727}He's not doing that on purpose is he?|You know, just to keep me interested? {736}{794}Well that depends. Are you losing interest? {798}{817}No! {823}{913}We haven't found so much as a snapped twig|on this planet, but hey, hey, it's all good, baby. {933}{1026}Teal'c's intel did suggest that the Sodan|were rumoured to have a base of operations here. {1031}{1066}Teal'c's intel came from a... {1070}{1141}bunch of Jaffa he used to be at war with, you know? {1145}{1202}Old enemies and new allies|and all that jazz. But still. {1210}{1244}You think the information's bad? {1257}{1283}I think it's vague. {1313}{1379}"A world once inhabited by Ancients. {1396}{1480}A village shrouded in the mists of time."|Sounds like a movie trailer. {1487}{1543}Well we've found some pretty|interesting things based on vague. {1557}{1615}Yeah. Still, I'm getting that|grasping at straws feeling. {1617}{1646}Yeah, just don't tell Teal'c. {1648}{1669}I already did. {1679}{1702}Yeah, what did he say? {1721}{1789}"The warriors of the Sodan exist, Colonel Mitchell! {1805}{1846}I am certain of it." {1871}{1900}Needs more bass. {2285}{2306}Go! {2451}{2510}Fall back to the gate, I got our six. Go, go, go! {2773}{2800}Where the hell are they? {3201}{3297}SG-22, this is SG-1.|We are under attack! We need backup! {3373}{3405}Where the hell is Mitchell? {3416}{3452}{Y:i}Cameron, what's your position? {4331}{4365}Cameron, do you copy? {4662}{4699}His wound is grave my Lord. {4705}{4744}His symbiote is badly damaged. {4765}{4787}No! {4812}{4837}Bring him! {5142}{5173}Shal' Kree! {5928}{6012}Transcript by Scifigate.net|Subtitles by SG-66 - www.seriestele.net {6275}{6337}Season 9 - Episode 8|Babylon {7021}{7051}{Y:i}He'll be dead by sunset. {7069}{7093}{Y:i}If not sooner. {7105}{7124}Then... {7136}{7180}you must keep him alive. {7509}{7561}Carter to SGC. You got anything yet, Chief? {7565}{7635}Colonel, we're reading|UAV telemetry, five by five. {7637}{7689}So far, no sign of Colonel Mitchell. {7705}{7746}Let me know when you've|completed your first sweep. {7749}{7796}Affirmative. SGC out. {7935}{7992}- Anything?|- Not yet. How's he doing? {7994}{8015}Not well. {8042}{8079}His symbiote is dying. {8086}{8130}If it is not removed,|the host will die also. {8133}{8171}Sergent, radio Dr Lam. {8172}{8238}Let her know we have a priority one|medical emergency incoming. {8343}{8364}{Y:i}No tattoo. {8381}{8421}He is a warrior of the Sodan. {8423}{8502}According to legend, no Sodan has been indentured|to the Goa'uld for over 5000 years. {8506}{8531}So your intel was correct. {8559}{8578}Indeed. {8580}{8607}{Y:i}Colonel Carter. {8613}{8644}{Y:i}There's something you need to see. {8709}{8749}{Y:i}- This writing.|- Ancient. {8752}{8779}{Y:i}Look familiar? {8785}{8819}Nope. Teal'c? {8828}{8871}I have never before seen such a device. {8873}{8947}Well, I'm detecting energy readings.|It's definitely some form of technology. {8952}{9017}Perhaps this is how the Sodan|managed to escape so quickly. {9023}{9059}Actually, that's exactly what it is. {9060}{9125}This says it's some sort of aperture or gateway to... {9132}{9168}- To where?|- Enlightenment. {9210}{9260}Just enlightenment? Nothing more specific? {9270}{9298}That's all it says. {9711}{9739}Hold still! {9774}{9848}You know, your bedside manner totally blows. {9911}{9945}Your wound is infected. {9978}{10037}It must be cleansed, or you will die. {10058}{10085}This... {10101}{10153}will cause you a fair amount... {10165}{10191}of pain. {10883}{10911}How's it going in there? {10915}{10980}Touch and go.|They've been at it for nearly six hours now. {10986}{11031}Most Jaffa would not survive such wounds. {11034}{11066}{Y:i}Wich means she's very good. {11080}{11110}That's why she's here. {11136}{11201}Looks like you were both right|about the device he was wearing. {11205}{11249}More Ancient technology. {11259}{11293}A cloak of invisibility. {11306}{11372}That explains how they were able|to ambush you so easily. {11374}{11406}What about the transporter? {11415}{11473}Carter's with a team on the planet,|working on it right now. {11479}{11576}So far they haven't been able to even|open up the damn thing. Let alone turn it on. {11584}{11627}Yeah, sorry I couldn't have been more help. {11640}{11717}Well one line of Ancient text|isn't a hell of a lot to go on. {11743}{11860}We're running surface scans with Prometheus|on several moons and other planets in the system. {11867}{11929}You believe Colonel Mitchell is no longer on P9G-844? {11932}{11959}It's a possibility. {11965}{12037}Ground sweeps and UAV scans are all coming up empty. {13970}{14019}Don't move.|Don't make a sound. {14036}{14118}You call to the others|and it's goodbye, Jaffa. {14143}{14188}It would seem you have me at a disadvantage. {14194}{14229}It certainly appears that way. {14248}{14266}Now, {14282}{14325}you're gonna tell me how I get... {14450}{14553}How things seem and how they truly are,|are two very different things. {14573}{14598}For example. {14614}{14667}You are free to leave this place whenever you choose. {14687}{14725}What, now you're telling me? {14732}{14814}But to reach the Chaapa'ai, would take months|on foot to the mountains of Dor'ta'nak. {14820}{14882}No one who's attempted the journey has ever survived. {14928}{14998}- So how did we get...|- We were brought here through the eye of the Gods. {15014}{15056}- Which is?|- Your questions can wait! {15064}{15139}Now that your strength has returned,|we should begin Joma'Sha'Tal'ac immediately. {15168}{15222}If that's breakfast, I could eat. {15291}{15344}You have spilled the blood of a Sodan warrior. {15372}{15425}Did you think our mercy was without purpose? {15513}{15605}Lord Haikon has decreed that you will answer|for your crimes by way of Kel Shak Lo. {15612}{15662}Which you will battle with another warrior. {15679}{15709}And on that day, {15761}{15788}you will die. {16079}{16145}I take it from all the beeping,|our friend is still with us. {16158}{16236}That he is.|Though how he survived is a mystery to me. {16242}{16350}I'd say that nine hours you spent working on him|might have something to do with it. {16365}{16388}Nice work. {16434}{16503}I did what I could to save him,|but his symbiote was too badly damaged. {16507}{16561}We had no choice but to remove it|and start him on tretonin. {16567}{16628}As soon as he regains consciousness,|I wanna know. {16651}{16709}Why?|So you can interrogate him? {16735}{16803}Well that might be more up|Teal'c's alibi, but that's the idea. {16807}{16879}Well it wasn't exactly the kind of|post op recovery I had in mind. {16961}{17010}Well let me know the moment he wakes up. {17021}{17046}OK. {17916}{17955}Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell, {17971}{18006}United States Air Force. {18033}{18059}Earth. {18210}{18259}I don't know if you know|what's been going on out there, {18281}{18318}but things are a little different now. {18345}{18386}{Y:i}The Goa'uld have been defeated. {18409}{18489}The Goa'uld should have been defeated|five thousand years ago. {18513}{18582}My ancestors were one|of the first of the Sodan. {18611}{18695}They were part of an elite command force|under the Goa'uld Ishkur. {18718}{18787}For years, they pillaged and|plundered under his name. {18808}{18880}Driving fear into the hearts of all those|that would oppose his rule. {18910}{18974}The further they ascended among the ranks, {18988}{19042}the more they were able|to discern the truth. {19070}{19142}That he was not a God at all,|but merely an imposter. {19171}{19269}Our true Gods are those|that came before us. {19306}{19342}You're talking about the Ancients. {19350}{19475}Ishkur branded my ancestors as|traitors and ordered their deaths. {19500}{19623}They tried to fight to show|their brothers their faith. {19624}{19750}But the odds were too great.|They were forced to flee, {19765}{19830}they set out to find Kheb, {19865}{19945}hoping that their souls would find peace. {19965}{20086}But instead their search led them to this world. {20115}{20225}You knew about the Goa'uld,|but you didn't help the other Jaffa defeat them. {20380}{20481}Look, for the first time in their history,|the Jaffa are free. {20502}{20609}But it won't last without strong leadership.|They need your help. {20610}{20681}Their fate is of no concern to us. {20735}{20846}I hope you are prepared to die well,|Mitchell. {21205}{21275}You will not be able to break your bonds. {21395}{21479}{Y:i}We sought out the Sodan in peace.|Wishing only to open dialogue. {21480}{21547}Instead you attacked us and took our comrade. {21548}{21639}All enemies who our transgress|our sacred ground, forfeit their lives. {21640}{21699}Yeah well, you might want to post a few signs. {21700}{21751}{Y:i}Look, we just want our friend back. {21752}{21850}We figured that your fellow warriors may wanna|know that you're still alive and kicking, so {21851}{21920}we're thinking straight swap.|Our guy in exchange for you. {21921}{22055}If your friend was taken, then mourn him.|For if he is not yet dead, he soon will be. {22084}{22229}Hear me when I say that all free Jaffa have always|had the greatest respect for the warriors of the Sodan. {22230}{22357}You speak of respect, yet you condemn me.|Without my symbiote, I will be dead soon enough! {22358}{22486}A medicine called tretonin, courses through your veins.|You have been freed from your burden. {22500}{22546}Such a thing is not possible. {22547}{22582}Oh, but it is. {22583}{22645}It is very real, I assure you. {22646}{22750}It is now used by several thousand|free Jaffa, with no ill effects. {22751}{22797}Your poisons will not work. {22810}{22893}Had you any honour,|you would have let me die on the battlefield. {23015}{23122}So is it you just don't know what's going on|in the rest of the galaxy or you really don't care? {23145}{23212}The Jaffa made their choice 5000 years ago. {23213}{23266}Their affairs are no concern to us. {23280}{23319}Yeah, but how do you survive? {23320}{23419}At some point you gotta go hunting for...you know. {23440}{23555}We raid Goa'uld strongholds for shipments of symbiotes|that have yet to be implanted in any Jaffa. {23577}{23651}Such missions are rites of passage|for our youngest warriors. {23652}{23680}Well it sounds like fun. {23681}{23790}The fighting style of Sodan has been a closely|guarded secret for a hundred generations. {23824}{23892}It is a shame you will die shortly after learning it. {23985}{24010}Attack me. {24095}{24140}You find me an unworthy opponent? {24160}{24239}No,|it's just I don't feel like... {24640}{24665}OK. {24705}{24753}Let's try that one more time. {24945}{25011}You are slow and undisciplined. {25012}{25097}If you fought your opponent today,|you would die without landing a single blow. {25145}{25210}And what happens if I refuse to fight? {25218}{25251}You just kill me? {25252}{25330}It is an alternative you do not wish to explore. {25520}{25581}Dr Lam tells me you have refused to eat. {25582}{25644}The very odour of your food turns my stomach. {25645}{25731}If you are to survive without your symbiote,|you require sustenance. {25732}{25798}It is only because your drug has weakened me. {25799}{25875}On the contrary brother,|it has freed you. {25910}{25979}What do you know of freedom? {25980}{26039}You, who have served false Gods. {26040}{26118}Who chooses to live in this squalor,|rather than among his own people. {26165}{26262}I know that I have heard stories of the Sodan,|since I was but a child. {26263}{26343}Your bravery and skill are legend among all Jaffa. {26344}{26438}It is because of my failure as|a warrior that I languish here now. {26439}{26518}Prisoner to a former slave and his pitiful allies. {26519}{26576}Speak not of skill to me. {26585}{26703}Many Jaffa have fought and died for a cause|that was started by the warriors of the Sodan! {26704}{26730}And for what? {26731}{26855}Instead of respecting the traditions of OUR ancestors,|you would only seek to lead them further astray! {28250}{28271}That way. {28272}{28364}Blue is left. Red is right. Got it! {29000}{29045}- Faster!|- Faster. {29340}{29370}How did I do? {29390}{29418}Badly. {29425}{29456}Again! {29457}{29589}Yeah, yeah. You stop using that gadget,|I guarantee you, I'll be better. {29590}{29674}A Sodan warrior must anticipate|an attack at any moment. {29675}{29768}Yeah well, where'd you guys get those things, anyway? {29769}{29852}The writings of our Gods instructed us how|to construct many of their devices. {29853}{29895}We use them to protect our sacred ground. {29925}{30096}Speaking of Gods, I know this is probably taboo,|but I need to talk to your boss. {30097}{30229}That visitor you had yesterday.|I'm assuming it's not the first time he's been here. {30230}{30321}I've met their kind before.|They're bad news. {30360}{30460}Look, I'll do any crazy,|training exercise you want... {30528}{30567}within reason. {30568}{30651}Finish the course in time and I'll consider it. {30700}{30828}You know, a bag of sand with a hole in|it is not an accurate timing device. {30910}{30951}You are an evil man! {31400}{31450}Please, sit. {31451}{31491}I'm good... {31560}{31659}OK.|Maybe I will sit. {31785}{31893}You know, I'm starting to get an idea|of why you guys attacked us. {31894}{31956}That Prior is telling you we're enemies. {31957}{31988}Is he wrong? {32050}{32133}You could have cut us down the second|we stepped through the gate, but you didn't. {32134}{32233}Generations of my people fought and died under exile. {32234}{32387}Praying for the day when we could|seek the path without recrimination. {32388}{32494}When we pray to the Gods,|do they hear us, Mitchell? {32495}{32595}Do they once give us a sign|as proof of their existence? {32650}{32750}I know that the Ori are not the Ancients. {32751}{32837}But can there be any doubt that they are Gods? {32838}{32983}And if they can lead us to the path|of enlightenment, how can I refuse them? {32984}{33045}You're making a big mistake. {33046}{33145}These Ori are not what you think they are.|They are not even close. {33146}{33169}Tek'Hel'Shee! {33240}{33417}Perhaps, when you finish your debt.|In your final moments, you'll understand. {33470}{33572}I've already been there.|I understand. {34185}{34215}You may rest now. {34216}{34255}No, I'm good, let's keep going. {34315}{34340}You are not tired? {34341}{34449}Six weeks airborne training at Fort Benning,|that's tiring. This is nothing. Come on! {34450}{34555}If I wanna survive this Kel Shak Lo thing, I'm gonna|need a hell of a lot more than you're teaching me. {34556}{34633}Quit pussy footing around and|stop holding back. Let's go! {34700}{34758}You believe this staff is what makes you strong. {35000}{35076}The Kran'too is nothing but an extension of your body. {35105}{35181}No true warrior depends on a weapon|for strength or advantage. {35220}{35266}See, that's what I'm talking about! {35300}{35320}Drink. {35600}{35651}I'm not gonna get used to this stuff. {35675}{35755}Were it not for my teas,|you would have died many days ago. {35850}{35894}It was self defence, you know. {35930}{36013}The Jaffa I killed. It was him or me. {36040}{36167}It does not matter. Blood has been spilled.|Our laws decree you must answer for it. {36250}{36277}So who was he? {36330}{36463}His name was Volnek. A most skilled warrior. {36570}{36647}Look, for what it's worth? {36748}{36800}There's nothing I can say, is there? {36828}{36848}No. {37010}{37083}So, who do I fight? {37084}{37145}Lord Haikon will determine|that on the eve of your battle. {37146}{37225}Usually it is the closest blood kin|to the slain warrior. {37240}{37260}Right. {37285}{37360}And the next of kin is just as tough as he was. {37375}{37420}Do I stand a chance? {37500}{37525}Never mind. {37560}{37630}I promise I'll die well and all that jazz. {37670}{37770}But before I kick it, I gotta ask. {37810}{37863}You buying what these Priors are selling? {37864}{37940}Lord Haikon has led us for more than a hundred years. {37941}{37983}He knows what is best for us all. {37984}{38115}Yeah, yeah, look, I get it, you are a team player.|I'm asking, what do you think? {38130}{38230}It is not my place to question Haikon's judgement.|Nor is it yours! {38231}{38311}Well somebody better,|because if you guys follow the Ori, {38312}{38487}all of your traditions, your Kran'too staffs,|your precious path, your tasty beverages,|it's all going down the drain! {38488}{38591}Enough!|We're finished for the day. {38945}{39008}You say a Prior has come to the Sodan {39009}{39084}{Y:i}and you have decided to follow the word of the Ori. {39085}{39185}{Y:i}- I walk the path of our true Gods...|- The Ori are not Gods! {39215}{39267}{Y:i}What did the Prior promise you? {39268}{39327}A place of honour at his side. {39328}{39389}As heralds for your new masters. {39400}{39566}This Prior will have you hunt down and kill|all Jaffa who refuse to follow the path of Origin. {39567}{39635}{Y:i}That is the path you walk. {39735}{39825}I will learn the codes of the Ancient transporter. {39875}{39945}No matter how long it takes. {40025}{40144}This is going nowhere. Two weeks and|he hasn't given us so much as a decent high coo. {40145}{40182}Well, it's understandable, Sir. {40183}{40266}Most Jaffa would never break|under normal interrogation techniques. {40267}{40369}Not to mention the fact that the Sodan are|an elite group of warriors. I'm sure their minds|are trained to withstand a lot worse. {40370}{40400}What about the device? {40410}{40472}We haven't made much progress, I'm afraid. {40473}{40569}It seems the code preventing us using it,|is rigged to some sort of defence mechanism. {40570}{40665}Dr Lee received a few nasty volts,|while trying to implement an override. {40666}{40689}How is he? {40710}{40790}Dr Lam says the feelings should|return to his legs in a few days. {40791}{40950}Meanwhile, the international committee|is keeping score of all the resources|we're using to try to find Mitchell. {40951}{41024}Science teams, orbital scans by Prometheus. {41025}{41080}All of them coming up empty|certainly doesn't look good. {41083}{41183}Another few days and they'll tell us|to shut down search and rescue operations. {41185}{41208}Shut it down? {41240}{41350}Sir, with all due respect, in the past we have spent|months searching for our people in the field. {41355}{41383}{Y:i}We can't just stop looking. {41384}{41434}What she's saying sir,|is we've never left a man behind. {41447}{41565}I'm more than familiar with the concept, Dr Jackson.|Give me something I can use, soon. {41570}{41662}Or the next paperwork I fill out|will declare Mitchell MIA. {42468}{42495}I just need a minute! {42519}{42556}Let him pass. {42575}{42605}Thank you. {42624}{42663}Alright, I'll make this quick. {42677}{42775}The Prior represents a race of Ancients, yes!|But believe me when I tell you, {42776}{42834}they are not the Ancients you wanna worship. {42838}{42912}The Prior has healed our sick. {42927}{42994}Caused our crops to grow as if by magic. {43008}{43053}Why should I doubt the power of the Ori? {43055}{43131}Look, their power is not what you should question. {43146}{43177}It's how they use it! {43201}{43254}Anyone refuses to worship them and they die. {43255}{43325}And I'm not talking about|a few non believers here and there. {43328}{43386}I'm talking about whole planets wiped out! {43434}{43487}And I should simply take your word for this? {43510}{43594}You wanna believe my people are godless and inferior? {43613}{43641}Go right ahead. {43657}{43766}But we have never needed proof of|our Gods' existence in order to believe in them. {43871}{43895}Faith. {43929}{44029}It was your faith that sustained you|for five thousand years, {44030}{44078}not the Ancients themselves. {44100}{44183}Don't throw your history away|for a bag full of magic tricks. {44303}{44383}Admit it! Haikon has totally lost his mind. {44462}{44536}A warrior cannot talk and fight at the same time. {44597}{44644}A fact you refuse to accept. {44660}{44682}Got it. {45114}{45173}You may provide a challenge|to your opponent after all, Mitchell. {45245}{45322}Followed by my violent death of course. {45336}{45362}Of course. {45456}{45500}To my inevitable demise! {45583}{45613}Why do you do this? {45626}{45652}Do what? {45660}{45689}Train this hard. {45711}{45753}These are the last days of your life. {45776}{45826}I would think you would spend more time in reflexion. {45869}{45905}Well all I know is, {45930}{45976}the moment you accept your fate, {45993}{46033}that's when you're as good as dead. {46041}{46083}Till then, all bets are off. {46094}{46141}You cannot survive Kel Shak Lo. {46211}{46247}Well no offence, but {46258}{46334}I've endured things I wasn't|supposed to survive before and {46350}{46382}I'm still here. {46537}{46617}How can you be certain the Prior speaks falsely? {46677}{46704}Because... {46752}{46847}I've seen entire planets wiped out|because they refused to follow the Ori. {46862}{46910}Look, I'm not trying to tell you what to think, {46934}{46992}but if everything I believed was being threatened, {46993}{47025}I'd wanna know. {47098}{47192}Jolan, your people shouldn't suffer for their faith. {47438}{47475}You two, again. {47478}{47562}Yes. Us two, again. {47571}{47623}Save your words,|I am not in the mood. {47631}{47713}We know how you feel,|but we're not here to talk. {47721}{47800}You require evidence that|the Ori are not to be trusted. {47878}{47902}{Y:i}This is Tass'an. {47904}{47997}One of the founders of a free Jaffa|settlement on a planet called Sarvarus. {48004}{48123}Many families came to live there to enjoy|the freedom that they fought so hard to achieve. {48147}{48182}He is Sodan? {48208}{48233}Indeed. {48239}{48267}Tell him what happened. {48318}{48418}A month ago, a man came through the Chaapa'ai. {48444}{48481}He called himself a Prior. {48496}{48567}{Y:i}He told us of powerful Gods called the Ori, {48577}{48650}who he claimed would give us protection {48670}{48724}and show us the path to enlightenment. {48749}{48819}And he left. He later returned. {48837}{48882}{Y:i}Told us we had to make a choice. {48900}{48935}Follow the Ori... {48961}{48993}or be destroyed. {49037}{49069}We chose to resist. {49197}{49234}Continue, brother. {49284}{49319}He dialed the Chaapa'ai {49347}{49428}and merely placed his staff|in the ground in front of it. {49435}{49568}Then earth shook with a fierceness|I have never seen nor heard of before. {49573}{49634}{Y:i}In moments, our city was levelled. {49651}{49735}Hundreds of our people wiped out in an instant. {49738}{49814}Enough of these lies. {49837}{49920}You expect me to take the word|of this sorry excuse for a Jaffa? {49922}{50007}I witnessed the destruction with my own eyes! {50044}{50085}{Y:i}Heed my words, brother. {50110}{50185}If a Prior visits your world, {50189}{50222}leave. {50764}{50873}You have spilled the blood of a Sodan warrior! Human, {50890}{50925}do you deny it? {50948}{50999}No, but it wasn't... {51097}{51130}No, I don't deny it. {51154}{51276}If any blood kin of the warrior seek recompense, {51293}{51362}let him step forward, now! {51370}{51404}I seek it. {51469}{51497}You? {51502}{51545}In the name of Volnek of Gashrail, {51592}{51624}my brother. {51885}{52045}May the blood spilled here today,|settle this debt once and for all. {52260}{52290}You may begin! {52325}{52360}May you die well. {52395}{52420}Likewise. {54490}{54530}The human is dead! {54565}{54635}{Y:i}The blood of the Sodan has been avenged. {54636}{54685}He fought and died a warrior, my Lord. {54705}{54765}It is only fitting he be given|the rite of Shel'mak'asah. {54785}{54814}Very well. {54825}{54920}With your permission my Lord,|I would like to take care of it myself. {55530}{55585}I was afraid you would not wake. {55620}{55665}Well maybe I shouldn't have. {55685}{55738}- How long was I...|- Seven hours. {55765}{55785}Seven? {55800}{55855}I thought it was only supposed to be two? {55855}{55915}I may have inadvertently made the elixir to strong. {56140}{56200}Yeah, that's gonna leave a scar. {56210}{56240}{Y:i}So, did it work? {56241}{56320}The elixir was most effective.|They believe you are dead. {56360}{56390}Well done, Bones. {56450}{56480}Never mind. {56540}{56620}So, where does this leave you? {56640}{56705}If the Prior intends to mislead the Sodan as you say, {56755}{56790}then I am his enemy. {56810}{56840}And Haikon? {56860}{56920}It may be too late to convince him of his mistake. {56945}{57000}But there are several other warriors who feel as I do. {57065}{57129}We will continue to walk the path of the Sodan, {57130}{57205}until the others see the error of their ways. {57215}{57260}Well, for what it's worth, {57285}{57320}you won't walk alone. {57605}{57625}Come! {57645}{57675}How did it go? {57676}{57694}Not well. {57695}{57749}Even after we showed him video footage of the damage, {57750}{57835}Volnek still refuses to believe the Ori|are responsible for what happened on Sarvarus. {57836}{57863}What's he doing now? {57864}{57915}Nothing.|He hasn't said a word since Tass'an left. {57916}{57962}Which puts us back to square one. {57963}{57990}Yeah basically. {57991}{58070}- Teal'c seems to think that showing him more images...|{Y:i}- Unscheduled offworld activation! {58100}{58130}What have we got, Chief? {58131}{58175}Recieving an IDC Sir. It's Colonel Mitchell. {58176}{58204}You're kidding? {58205}{58235}I would never do that, Sir. {58325}{58356}You have a visitor. {58475}{58490}You! {58491}{58530}Yeah, I thought you were dead, too. {58531}{58574}Oh, we have unfinished business! {58575}{58599}Just take it easy. {58600}{58620}You shot me! {58621}{58641}You shot me first! {58642}{58678}I will have vengeance! {58679}{58724}You will listen, brother. {58905}{58950}I know that you think we're enemies {58951}{59025}and right now it doesn't matter if we become allies. {59026}{59105}What matters is that you understand the truth. {59315}{59375}You are fortunate my brother drugged you. {59380}{59450}You would never have survived a true Kel Shak Lo. {59465}{59495}Don't know. {59496}{59546}Took you down pretty good. {59560}{59585}You were lucky. {59600}{59635}Lucky is good. {59780}{59840}Granting my freedom changes nothing, Mitchell. {60095}{60130}We will meet again. {60170}{60215}Looking forward to it.