1 00:00:20,527 --> 00:00:23,439 (Peter) This episode is entitled ''Memento''. 2 00:00:23,527 --> 00:00:28,078 And we find ourself on the Prometheus ship once again, 3 00:00:28,167 --> 00:00:33,764 and we're taking it for its shakedown cruise. 4 00:00:35,927 --> 00:00:41,638 And we have a bit of a breakdown 5 00:00:41,727 --> 00:00:48,280 and we find ourself in space with no way of getting back. 6 00:00:48,367 --> 00:00:55,921 So we have to go to a nearby planet, where we are required to find a Stargate, 7 00:00:56,007 --> 00:00:58,441 otherwise we're really stuck. 8 00:00:58,887 --> 00:01:00,479 This is a star field. 9 00:01:00,567 --> 00:01:08,360 lt's nothing but a giant black curtain with little, tiny reflective flecks on it. 10 00:01:11,967 --> 00:01:13,764 And... 11 00:01:16,087 --> 00:01:23,323 See this? lt's just nothing more than a little piece of tinfoil. lt picks up the light. 12 00:01:23,407 --> 00:01:28,356 And this star-field curtain is hung from the rafters 13 00:01:28,447 --> 00:01:31,996 and it is right outside the window of the bridge set, 14 00:01:32,087 --> 00:01:35,284 so when we look out the window you see... 15 00:01:36,807 --> 00:01:39,002 the star field! 16 00:01:39,087 --> 00:01:44,161 And when it's lit properly it looks just like outer space. 17 00:01:44,247 --> 00:01:45,726 That's good news. 18 00:01:45,807 --> 00:01:51,564 And if you give it a bit of a shake, you get the twinkling effect. 19 00:01:51,647 --> 00:01:52,966 Nice job. 20 00:01:53,047 --> 00:01:56,357 So, here's the star field outside. 21 00:01:56,447 --> 00:01:59,883 Usually that would be a little more out of focus 22 00:01:59,967 --> 00:02:03,926 and you wouldn't be able to see the curtain element. 23 00:02:04,007 --> 00:02:06,202 l think if we... 24 00:02:06,287 --> 00:02:10,200 There's maybe what it would look like, if l'm using this right. 25 00:02:10,287 --> 00:02:13,882 l'm not required to know how this works. l only tell people what to do. 26 00:02:13,967 --> 00:02:16,242 l've been meaning to talk to you about that. 27 00:02:16,327 --> 00:02:21,355 So here we have an example of a scope. 28 00:02:21,447 --> 00:02:27,602 And l don't think people will appreciate this if l do this, 29 00:02:27,687 --> 00:02:31,726 but the public at large needs to know 30 00:02:31,807 --> 00:02:37,484 that there's a regular computer in there behind this faceplate. 31 00:02:37,567 --> 00:02:44,757 And this cutout right here just goes over it 32 00:02:44,847 --> 00:02:48,123 and everybody goes ''That looks normal.'' 33 00:02:48,207 --> 00:02:51,961 That's what it looks like underneath that faceplate. 34 00:02:59,487 --> 00:03:01,796 (alarm) 35 00:03:03,847 --> 00:03:06,645 This looks cool when you look at it this way. 36 00:03:06,727 --> 00:03:08,683 lf that's what you wanna call it. 37 00:03:10,127 --> 00:03:14,723 Now, you might see a shot out this way, 38 00:03:14,807 --> 00:03:18,959 where we're looking out into the star field. 39 00:03:21,887 --> 00:03:24,037 The fans'll get a kick out of this. 40 00:03:24,127 --> 00:03:29,485 We have a ring room, like a transporter room from another famous sci-fi show. 41 00:03:29,567 --> 00:03:36,803 And we've incorporated this push-button concept from the cargo ship 42 00:03:36,887 --> 00:03:41,324 into the inner workings of our ship. 43 00:03:41,407 --> 00:03:46,606 And we have hieroglyphs for buttons here. 44 00:03:46,687 --> 00:03:53,081 And then we have the equivalent of what those things mean here. 45 00:03:53,167 --> 00:04:00,403 So l thought that was kind of fun. How you push which keys in what order. 46 00:04:11,567 --> 00:04:17,642 A lot of times you'll see doors opening and closing on the show. 47 00:04:17,727 --> 00:04:26,157 And that is a result of a lot of time and effort. 48 00:04:26,247 --> 00:04:31,037 So this is a door that opens and closes. 49 00:04:33,007 --> 00:04:35,601 Let me get a better shot of that. 50 00:04:37,487 --> 00:04:40,047 Opens. 51 00:04:40,127 --> 00:04:42,118 And closes. 52 00:04:42,207 --> 00:04:51,798 How that is achieved is someone off in the wings holds this low-tech handle 53 00:04:51,887 --> 00:04:55,277 and pushes the door in. 54 00:04:57,127 --> 00:05:01,598 Usually a college graduate is required to push this handle. 55 00:05:08,367 --> 00:05:16,285 And we would probably do something like go into this elevator, like so, 56 00:05:16,367 --> 00:05:22,124 pretend to push the little button, close the foreground doors, 57 00:05:22,207 --> 00:05:24,198 these doors, 58 00:05:24,287 --> 00:05:31,363 and beyond that, in this area, the blast door would be down or up 59 00:05:31,447 --> 00:05:35,440 while we were blinded by the fact that these foreground doors would close. 60 00:05:35,527 --> 00:05:37,802 Then when we reopen these doors, 61 00:05:37,887 --> 00:05:43,803 maybe the blast door is now down or up, and we appear to be on a different floor. 62 00:05:46,127 --> 00:05:47,924 Jack. 63 00:05:51,247 --> 00:05:53,602 You've got a fine crew here, Ronson. 64 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:57,441 - You've got a pretty solid team yourself. - Speaking of that... 65 00:05:57,527 --> 00:06:02,317 Jack, l know that in the event of a real situation with the Goa'uld, 66 00:06:02,407 --> 00:06:04,398 you feel your place is on the bridge. 67 00:06:04,487 --> 00:06:08,526 You'd be a fool not to take advantage of Teal'c's expertise. 68 00:06:08,607 --> 00:06:13,806 You're absolutely right, but you're just along for the shakedown cruise. 69 00:06:14,367 --> 00:06:19,566 This is lngrid Kavelaars playing Major Erin Gant, the Ex-O. 70 00:06:19,647 --> 00:06:23,322 What was your hardest line to say on this show? 71 00:06:23,407 --> 00:06:29,118 Hardest line would be ''Electromagnetic pulse has hit the shields, sir.'' 72 00:06:29,207 --> 00:06:32,961 ''Primary computer systems are down. All we have is artificial gravity.'' 73 00:06:33,047 --> 00:06:35,880 Why can l say it now and couldn't say it yesterday? 74 00:06:35,967 --> 00:06:38,037 l've asked the same question. 75 00:06:38,127 --> 00:06:40,925 Or when l did have to say it, l broke out in a sweat. 76 00:06:41,007 --> 00:06:42,963 An electromagnetic pulse hit the shields. 77 00:06:43,047 --> 00:06:47,040 Primary computer systems are down. All we have is artificial gravity. 78 00:06:47,127 --> 00:06:50,244 - ls it wonderful working with Richard? - Absolutely. 79 00:06:50,327 --> 00:06:53,797 ls he the biggest flirt ever, or what? 80 00:06:53,887 --> 00:06:56,685 Or you're not allowed to say? Sworn to secrecy. 81 00:06:56,767 --> 00:06:58,166 No comment. 82 00:06:58,247 --> 00:07:00,556 l guess l can respect that. 83 00:07:00,647 --> 00:07:04,879 What's it like working with Amanda Tapping? 84 00:07:04,967 --> 00:07:07,845 She's really cool, and she's hot. 85 00:07:07,927 --> 00:07:09,918 Who's your favourite guest star? 86 00:07:10,007 --> 00:07:16,037 l like to think of all of the guest stars as my children who l all love equally. 87 00:07:16,127 --> 00:07:21,121 The ones who remember their lines. Those are the ones l really like. 88 00:07:21,967 --> 00:07:28,566 When you see this show, you'll most likely see a shot that resembles this. 89 00:07:30,287 --> 00:07:32,642 l'm gonna start here. 90 00:07:32,727 --> 00:07:35,605 This is what l call the ''obligatory library shot'', 91 00:07:35,687 --> 00:07:39,885 where you go through bookshelves, like this. 92 00:07:39,967 --> 00:07:42,356 Bookshelves, bookshelves. 93 00:07:45,167 --> 00:07:49,558 By doing that, we give the illusion that there's a lot of stuff here. 94 00:07:57,887 --> 00:08:04,235 We find our two characters dealing with an alien computer. 95 00:08:04,327 --> 00:08:11,119 These would be the same as floppy discs and that would be the personal computer 96 00:08:11,207 --> 00:08:15,439 with the very cleverly made Sanskrit keyboard. 97 00:08:16,247 --> 00:08:21,605 This is a typical... instrument. 98 00:08:21,687 --> 00:08:24,042 An over-the-shoulder insert. 99 00:08:24,127 --> 00:08:30,760 This particular shot is a shot of O'Neill, over O'Neill onto a monitor. 100 00:08:30,847 --> 00:08:34,283 Here is Richard Dean Anderson talking to... 101 00:08:34,367 --> 00:08:36,358 You're not Richard Dean Anderson. 102 00:08:36,447 --> 00:08:40,326 You're Bill Nikolai, the sometimes technician on the show. 103 00:08:40,407 --> 00:08:42,204 A long time ago, a technician. 104 00:08:42,287 --> 00:08:46,678 They're gonna do a shot over Bill onto the screen 105 00:08:46,767 --> 00:08:52,524 because Bill's figure looks exactly like Richard Dean Anderson's. 106 00:08:52,607 --> 00:08:58,398 For fans at home - sorry to be in your face here, Andy - this is a com-link. 107 00:08:58,487 --> 00:09:04,642 Of course, Hammond is talking to Richard, or O'Neill, rather. 108 00:09:04,727 --> 00:09:10,040 And this guy is Damian Kindler, who is the writer of this episode. 109 00:09:10,127 --> 00:09:14,359 - That'll be this guy? - That's right. 110 00:09:14,447 --> 00:09:18,918 We twisted his arm and we forced him to be in this shot. 111 00:09:26,927 --> 00:09:28,326 And action! 112 00:09:28,407 --> 00:09:33,879 SG-1 has valuable experience with both hyperspace travel and the ''Prometheus''. 113 00:09:33,967 --> 00:09:40,440 Besides, your mission to P7X-009 shouldn't take more than a few hours. 114 00:09:40,527 --> 00:09:43,678 General Greer and l just want you there for the shakedown. 115 00:09:43,767 --> 00:09:48,079 - ln the unlikely event of an emergency? - Something like that. 116 00:09:48,167 --> 00:09:50,965 Enjoy the ride, Colonel. Hammond out. 117 00:09:51,047 --> 00:09:53,038 (Peter) Cut. 118 00:10:03,727 --> 00:10:05,718 ENHOH